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Making Code

September 2022

Making Code - September 2022 Issue

Summer time is coming to an end and school’s back in session. Let the learning begin, not just for the kiddos, but for the developers in our community as well. We are going to take a deep dive into learning a wide range of topics including Abstract Syntax Trees, Vim, Design Patterns for building code, Domain-Drive Design, Caching, DevOps, and so much more.

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PHP Blueprint

August 2022

PHP Blueprint Cover

Database Freedom

July 2022

Database Freedom
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The Complementary PHP Testing Tools Cookbook

Learn how a Grumpy Programmer approaches improving his own codebase, including all of the tools used and why.

PHP Web Development with MySQL

A Hands On Approach to Application Programming

Beyond Laravel

An Entrepreneur's Guide to Building Effective Software


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PHP Blueprint

Episode 76 - July 26, 2022


Database Freedom

Episode 75 - June 29, 2022



Another Bright Idea

Episode 74 - May 27, 2022


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Writing Cleaner More Resilient Code With Value Objects

September 25, 2022

As developers, we should always be striving to learn new methods to reduce the number of bugs in our code. Some methods require us to completely re-architect our code, but sometimes there are those hidden gems that we can quickly add to our code base that will immediately help us and require just a little […]

Deploying Our Code With Deployer 7 0

September 3, 2022

 As a developer, you probably love to create new features in your applications to help your users solve their problems. Eventually, you have to get that code to a server so it can be used. If you’re like me and are using a framework, that process can involve multiple steps. You might need to […]

Education Station: PHP is the Worst

September 15, 2021

By Chris Tankersley I have been programming for nearly twenty years at this point, and I have worked in various languages. At many of my previous jobs, as well as my current one, I have had the pleasure of working with PHP as the core language of my job. Since the first time I started […]

finally{}: Stepping Through

August 15, 2021

By Beth Tucker Long Sometimes you need something tried and true, and sometimes you need to escape the daily grind and try something new. I spend a lot of time debugging. I mean, A. LOT. As a consultant, debugging is about 90% of my work, with the other 10% being meetings, or so it seems […]

Mentoring and Teaching PHP

July 15, 2021

By Ken Marks Hiring a new developer is a risky endeavor. What if they don’t work out? What if they get bored? What if our organization’s needs change? In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to foster a learning environment for your tech team, why you should encourage learning, what it takes to be […]

Debugging with Purpose

June 22, 2021

By Joseph Maxwell Debugging and solving problems is an art. It is part technique and part practice. In this article, I share a powerful technique that has helped me quickly solve many problems. This system gets my head out of a rut and pushes me to look at other solutions creatively. You will also learn […]

Fiendish Functions—Filtering Fact From Fiction

May 25, 2021

By Camilo Payan Functional programming is a paradigm that has gained in popularity recently with the rise of several new functional programming languages and integration of new features in existing languages. All the same, there are many concerns about functional programming in the developer community. Is functional programming useful for the PHP developer? Will it […]

Streamlining Behat

May 24, 2021

By Oscar Merida Behat, and feature tests overall, are crucial for giving you confidence that when you refactor code, you don’t change how an application works and for helping you understand how an application behaves in practice. Investing in integration and functional tests is worth it in the long term, and in this article, we’ll […]