Support » Plugin: Simple Lightbox » Urgent: PHP 7.3 compatibility

  • Resolved Subrata Sarkar


    Is this plugin 100% safe and compatible with PHP 7.3? When I ran a PHPCompatibility test using PHPCS, I got the following two errors:

    666 | ERROR | Since PHP 7.0, functions inspecting arguments, like
    | | func_get_args(), no longer report the original value as passed
    | | to a parameter, but will instead provide the current value. The
    | | parameter “$tag” was changed on line 664.

    694 | ERROR | Since PHP 7.0, functions inspecting arguments, like
    | | func_get_args(), no longer report the original value as passed
    | | to a parameter, but will instead provide the current value. The
    | | parameter “$tag” was changed on line 692.

    File: simple-lightbox/includes/class.utilities.php

    I am running this plugin in my website for a while which is hosted on PHP 5.6 but now have to be migrated to 7.3.

    NB: PHP Compatibility Checker plugin says ‘Unknown’

    I am in a bit of urgency with this. An early response would be highly appreciated.

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  • Plugin Author Archetyped


    Hi, SLB is fully compatible with PHP 7.3.

    I’m not sure how PHPCS was configured when you ran it, but SLB has a its own PHPCS configuration and the notices you referred to are not applicable to SLB.


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