Support » Plugin: The Events Calendar » Uncaught Error: Class ‘Tribe__Events__Meta_Factory’ not found

  • Subrata Sarkar


    I have updated to version 6.0.0 today and immediately started receiving the following error message. To cross check I downgraded the plugin to its previous version and everything started to look good again.

    Here is the error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Tribe__Events__Meta_Factory' not found
    in /app/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/deprecated/functions.php:113
    Stack trace: #0 /app/wp-content/themes/ggs/tribe-events/list/single-event.php(21): tribe_get_meta('tribe_event_ven...')
    #1 /app/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/functions/template-tags/general.php(198): include('/app/wp-content...')
    #2 /app/wp-content/themes/grandgardenshow/template-schedule.php(40): tribe_get_template_part('list/single', 'event')
    #3 /app/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/app/wp-content...')
    #4 /app/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/app/wp-include...')
    #5 /app/index.php(17): require('/app/wp-blog-he...')
    #6 {main} thrown in /app/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/deprecated/functions.php on line 113

    I looked into the change log but could not figure out what is causing this. Seeking for help!

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  • Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @subrataemfluence, sorry to hear about this. Appreciate you providing more details here and this would help us with the investigation. I have already reached out to our team regarding this.

    For now, please revert to the last working version, while we are figuring things out. The error log here is really helpful for us.

    Apologies for the inconvenience. I’d be leaving this thread open and we’d notify you as soon as there are updates or if we need more details regarding this issue.


    Thread Starter Subrata Sarkar


    Hi @abzlevelup Thank you for looking into this. 🙂

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @subrataemfluence, no worries. We’re here to help. Thanks for your patience.


    Plugin Support robelemental


    Hi @subrataemfluence

    The logs indicate the problem is originating from a template override in the theme:

    It looks to be customization using an outdated hook. Please check this article for assistance with Custom Templates, Custom Hooks, and Upgrading to TEC 6.0

    You’ll want to adjust the files in the log (or remove the template override/switch to the default theme) and then upgrade to the latest release of the Events Calendar to complete your migration.

    This may be best on a Staging Site using a copy of your live site to test the changes and upgrade.

    Please let us know how it goes.


    Thread Starter Subrata Sarkar


    Hi @robelemental
    Thank you for your reply!

    I went through the article, but could not make myself clear about the issue I am facing. The specific line of code you mentioned, is calling a method tribe_get_event(), which is declared in plugins/the-events-calendar/src/deprecated/functions.php file.

    tribe_get_event() is calling two static methods check_exists() and get_args() which said to be declared inside the class Tribe_Events_Meta_Factory. In my case, the class is reported to be missing!!

    Here is the starting line of the full error message that I sent earlier:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Tribe__Events__Meta_Factory' not found in /app/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/deprecated/functions.php:113

    I tried to navigate to the definition of Tribe__Events__Meta_Factory, but it is not there at all!

    Which left me with the question, exactly what I have to modify and where!

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @subrataemfluence, thanks for more information here — this is definitely helpful for us. Could you try downgrading PHP to 7.4? See if that makes a difference.


    Same problem but with no custom overrides.


    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @kcwebguy, sorry to hear about this. I’m curious, could you try switching to the default theme and see if you still get the errors/warnings?


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