Tobacco Cessation

The American Lung Association believes everyone can quit tobacco and is committed to ensuring everyone has access to treatment to help them overcome their addiction to all tobacco products.

Surgeon General Report

Learn more about what Surgeon General Jerome Adams has found on quitting tobacco and what the Lung Association is doing to help patients overcome their addiction to all tobacco products and quit for good.
Learn more

Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the U.S., making it critically important that prevention and cessation programs are available to help people break their tobacco addiction for good. The American Lung Association supports funding for federal, state and local programs that help tobacco users quit and prevent kids and adults from starting to use tobacco.

We also support policies that give smokers easy access to all treatments proven effective to help them quit. Medicaid expansion and most private health insurance plans are required to cover a comprehensive tobacco cessation benefit for plan members, including all seven medications and three types of counseling recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service. To help smokers quit, the Lung Association encourages all health plans to cover a comprehensive, barrier-free cessation benefit.

The Lung Association is a leader in the area of tobacco cessation policy at the federal, state and local levels. Since 2007, our Tobacco Cessation Policy Project has provided up-to-date information and tools for advocates, policymakers, media and smokers.

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the U.S., claiming close to half a million people each year. The American Lung Association supports policies that provide smokers with access to quit-smoking treatments.

In 2019, the American Lung Association was awarded two grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide technical assistance to states and the tobacco control community on tobacco cessation coverage policy and health systems change.

State Tobacco Cessation Coverage

Factsheet and Reports: The American Lung Association’s repository for tobacco cessation policy materials, including factsheets and other helpful resources. Learn More

State Tobacco Cessation Coverage Database: Find out which treatments your state covers to help smokers quit. Learn More

Federal Cessation Coverage

The American Lung Association advocates for policies, laws and funding that ensure all tobacco users in the U.S. have access to evidence-based treatments that are proven to help them quit. Learn More

Tobacco Cessation Treatment: What is Covered?

The following chart gives details of different health insurance plans coverage of tobacco cessation treatments. Learn More

Smoking Cessation Economic Benefits

All states can save money by providing smoking cessation treatments. Learn More

Tobacco Cessation and the Affordable Care Act

The American Lung Association provides materials and analyses exploring ACA provisions that address tobacco cessation and prevention. Learn More

Page last updated: December 3, 2020

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, | Jul 11, 2022
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Rochester, NY | Sep 16, 2022