Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides you with supplemental, or extra, oxygen. It can help you feel better and stay active.

Oxygen is a gas that is vital to human life. It is one of the gases that is found in the air we breathe. If you have a chronic lung disease, you may need additional (supplemental) oxygen for your organs to function normally.

Here are some conditions that may require supplemental oxygen, either temporarily or long-term:

Although oxygen therapy may be common in the hospital, it can also be used at home. There are several devices used to deliver oxygen at home. Your healthcare provider will help you choose the equipment that works best for you. Oxygen is usually delivered through nasal prongs (an oxygen cannula) or a face mask. Oxygen equipment can attach to other medical equipment such as CPAP machines and ventilators.

Learning all you can about oxygen therapy can help you feel more comfortable and confident. Use the links below to learn more.

If you are on Medicare and have had issues getting your oxygen covered by insurance or getting the amount of oxygen you need, we want to know. Send an email with your story to [email protected]. Your email will be forwarded to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Thanks for helping us advocate for lung disease patients who need oxygen.

The InSPiReD COPD study is a research study designed to learn about patient and clinical beliefs surrounding oxygen use. It will also help create communication tools to help facilitate communication between patients and clinicians. We are looking to interview patients with COPD on home oxygen because their oxygen level is “low” (SpO2 88% or lower) when they walk around but is fine (>89%) when sitting or resting (also called isolated exertional hypoxemia). The InSPiReD COPD pilot study was funded by the ALA and is IRB approved. Contact 855-494-3393 to learn more.

Page last updated: July 13, 2022

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