

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open-source eCommerce solution.

Our core platform is free, flexible, and amplified by a global community. The freedom of open-source means you retain full ownership of your store’s content and data forever.

Whether you’re launching a business, taking brick-and-mortar retail online, or developing sites for clients, use WooCommerce for a store that powerfully blends content and commerce.

Built-in tools and popular integrations help you efficiently manage your business operations. Many services are free to add with a single click via the optional Setup Wizard.

  • Choose how you want to get paid. Conveniently manage payments from the comfort of your store with WooCommerce Payments (Available in the U.S., U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy). Securely accept credit cards, mobile wallets, bank transfers, and cash thanks to 100+ payment gateways – including Stripe, PayPal, and Square.
  • Configure your shipping options. Print USPS labels right from your dashboard and even schedule a pickup with WooCommerce Shipping (U.S.-only). Connect with well-known carriers such as UPS and FedEx – plus a wide variety of delivery, inventory, and fulfillment solutions for your locale.
  • Simplify sales tax. Add WooCommerce Tax or similar integrated services to make automated calculations a reality.

Grow your business, add features, and monitor your store on the go

WooCommerce means business. Keep tabs on the performance metrics most important to you with WooCommerce Admin – a powerful, customizable central dashboard for your store.

Expand your audience across marketing and social channels with Google Ads, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Facebook integrations. You can always check out the in-dashboard Marketing Hub for fresh ideas and tips to help you succeed.

Enhance store functionality with hundreds of free and paid extensions from the official WooCommerce Marketplace. Our developers vet each new extension and regularly review existing extensions to maintain Marketplace quality standards. We are actively looking for products that help store builders create successful stores.

Manage your store from anywhere with the free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS). Spoiler alert: Keep an ear out for the slightly addictive “cha-ching” notification sound each time you make a new sale!

Own and control your store data – forever

With WooCommerce, your data belongs to you. Always.

If you opt to share usage data with us, you can feel confident knowing that it’s anonymized and kept secure. Choose to opt-out at any time without impacting your store.

Unlike hosted eCommerce solutions, WooCommerce store data is future-proof; you’re free to export all your content and take your site to any platform you choose. No restrictions.

Why developers choose (and love) WooCommerce

Developers can use WooCommerce to create, customize, and scale a store to meet a client’s exact specifications, making enhancements through extensions or custom solutions.

  • Leverage hooks and filters to modify or create functionality.
  • Integrate virtually any service using a robust REST API and webhooks.
  • Design and build custom content blocks with React.
  • Inspect and modify any aspect of the core plugin code.
  • Speed up development with a lightning-fast CLI.

The core platform is tested rigorously and often, supported by a dedicated development team working across time zones. Comprehensive documentation is updated with each release, empowering you to build exactly the store required.

Be part of our growing international community

WooCommerce has a large, passionate community dedicated to helping merchants succeed – and it’s growing fast.

There are WooCommerce Meetups in locations around the world that you can attend for free and even get involved in running. These events are a great way to learn from others, share your expertise, and connect with like-minded folks.

WooCommerce also has a regular presence at WordCamps across the globe – we’d love to meet you.

Contribute and translate

WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com and Jetpack. We also have hundreds of independent contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head to the WooCommerce GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in.

WooCommerce is translated into multiple languages, including Danish, Ukrainian, and Persian. Help localize WooCommerce even further by adding your locale – visit translate.wordpress.org.



Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.2 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended

Visit the WooCommerce server requirements documentation for a detailed list of server requirements.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handle the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

In the search field type “WooCommerce,” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

Manual installation method requires downloading the WooCommerce plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


Automatic updates should work smoothly, but we still recommend you back up your site.

If you encounter issues with the shop/category pages after an update, flush the permalinks by going to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and hitting “Save.” That should return things to normal.

Sample data

WooCommerce comes with some sample data you can use to see how products look; import sample_products.xml via the WordPress importer. You can also use the core CSV importer or our CSV Import Suite extension to import sample_products.csv


Where can I find WooCommerce documentation and user guides?

For help setting up and configuring WooCommerce, please refer to Getting Started and the New WooCommerce Store Owner Guide.

For extending or theming WooCommerce, see our codex, as well as the Plugin Developer Handbook.

Where can I get help or talk to other users about WooCommerce Core?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the WooCommerce Support Forum by following these guidelines, reach out via the WooCommerce Community Slack, or post in the WooCommerce Community group on Facebook.

Where can I get help for extensions I have purchased on WooCommerce.com?

For assistance with paid extensions from the WooCommerce.com Marketplace: first, review our self-service troubleshooting guide. If the problem persists, kindly log a support ticket via our helpdesk. Our dedicated Happiness Engineers aim to respond within 24 hours.

I’m having trouble logging in to WooCommerce.com – what now?

First, troubleshoot common login issues using this helpful step-by-step guide. Still not working? Get in touch with us.

Will WooCommerce work with my theme?

Yes! WooCommerce will work with any theme but may require some additional styling. If you’re looking for a theme featuring deep WooCommerce integration, we recommend Storefront.

How do I update WooCommerce?

We have a detailed guide on How To Update WooCommerce.

My site broke – what do I do?

Start by diagnosing the issue using our helpful troubleshooting guide.

If you noticed the error after updating a theme or plugin, there might be compatibility issues between it and WooCommerce. If the issue appeared after updating WooCommerce, there could be a conflict between WooCommerce and an outdated theme or plugin.

In both instances, we recommend running a conflict test using Health Check (which allows you to disable themes and plugins without affecting your visitors) or troubleshooting the issue using a staging site.

Where can I report bugs?

Report bugs on the WooCommerce GitHub repository. You can also notify us via our support forum – be sure to search the forums to confirm that the error has not already been reported.

Where can I request new features, themes, and extensions?

Request new features and extensions and vote on existing suggestions on our official ideas board. Our Product teams regularly review requests and consider them valuable for product planning.

WooCommerce is awesome! Can I contribute?

Yes, you can! Join in on our GitHub repository and follow the development blog to stay up-to-date with everything happening in the project.

Where can I find REST API documentation?

Extensive WooCommerce REST API Documentation is available on GitHub.

My question is not listed here. Where can I find more answers?

Check out Frequently Asked Questions for more.


September 29, 2022
this plugin is so reliable and good which you even dont need anything else in online shop
September 28, 2022
Tuve un problema con el plug in de woo-commerce y el soporte que me dieron, aunque no fue inmediato, fue de gran ayuda para resolver el problema. Gracias!
September 26, 2022
Great plugin, easy to use and very powerfull. And furthermore, excellent, fast and friendly support even in the free version.
Read all 3,957 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WooCommerce” has been translated into 66 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WooCommerce” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


6.9.4 2022-09-26


  • Dev – Update WooCommerce Blocks to 8.3.3. #34814

WooCommerce Blocks 8.3.3

  • Fix – Ensure that scripts are loaded using absolute URLs to prevent loading issues with subfolder installs. (7211)

6.9.3 2022-09-20


  • Fix – Remove typecasting to prevent fatal when $screen_id is null. #34734
  • Fix – Only show the product image upload tip once, and on all product edit pages. #34739

6.9.2 2022-09-15


  • Fix – Use offsetted datetime when displaying order created date. #34687

6.9.1 2022-09-14


  • Fix – Fix error when ‘woocommerce_enqueue_styles’ returns non-array. #34671

6.9.0 2022-09-13


  • Fix – Address compatibility between custom order tables and REST API /orders endpoints. #34178
  • Fix – Add type safety while getting product price #33926
  • Fix – Ensure changes to product order are reflected even when advanced post caching is in effect. #34195
  • Fix – Ensure COT order queries respect unlimited (‘-1’) as a pagination limit. #34289
  • Fix – Fix fatal error when bulk editing sale price to empty value in PHP 8 #34120
  • Fix – Fix free features is still rendered when there is no recommendation #33923
  • Fix – Fix inconsistent order total on checkout vs manual order page when the shop is configured for tax-inclusive prices and a coupon is applied #33812
  • Fix – Fix regression setting homescreen default layout after setup task dismissal or completion #34191
  • Fix – Fix Review Shipping Options task title #34294
  • Fix – Fix shipping task e2e test as the flow has been changed in #33533 #34165
  • Fix – Fix task list overlaps with the Ellipsis menu #33882
  • Fix – Fix the order count displayed in the ‘Order status changed’ and ‘Removed personal data’ notices #33802
  • Fix – Generate ID when creating a new order in COT for consistency with posts. #33848
  • Fix – Honor ‘show_in_admin_all_list’ and ‘show_in_admin_status_list’ in COT orders list table. #34290
  • Fix – JQuery FlexSlider: Fix innerheight computation #33847
  • Fix – Make sure order status is correctly prefixed in COT tables. #34128
  • Fix – Minor changes to address Typescript errors after updating TS definitions #34154
  • Fix – Refactored homescreen component to use useQuery hook #34183
  • Fix – Support Cart/Checkout/My accounts/Terms settings in WC REST API #34234
  • Fix – Use the default paymetn suggestions when woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions is set to no #34083
  • Fix – Wrap default payment gateway strings in __() function call #33987
  • Add – Add default styles for block themes to ensure WooCommerce looks better out of the box with block themes that are not optimized for WooCommerce specifically. #33518
  • Add – Added tour for store location #34137
  • Add – Add framework to run managed batch operations. #33233
  • Add – Adding additional suggestions for product image when adding. #33660
  • Add – Add new product page. #34115
  • Add – Add product form buttons to new product page and also a product edit page. #34211
  • Add – Add product page layout components for new product edit page. #34113
  • Add – Add remove_processor method in batch processing controller, use it when disabling orders sync #34122
  • Add – Add support for filtering the Custom Order Table admin list UI. #33789
  • Add – Add support for sorting columns in the COT admin list UI. #33787
  • Add – Add the ObjectCache class. #33634
  • Add – Add the woocommerce_cart_session_initialize-hook #34156
  • Add – Add util methods to check whether tables are in sync and orders are migrated. #34141
  • Add – Add validations to recordEvent #33911 #33911
  • Add – Order edit screen rendering powered by custom order tables. #33638
  • Add – Payments badge and page to show new WCPay promotion (US only) #34251
  • Add – Product creation experience: add more context about product data #33755 #33755
  • Add – Refactor and add unit tests for “Orders Milestones” note #34295
  • Update – Update WooCommerce Blocks to 8.3.2 #34543
  • Update – Revert skip button changes on the OBW pages #34455
  • Update – Update WooCommerce Blocks to 8.3.1 #34359
  • Update – Add Facebook to free extensions list and marketing task #34303
  • Update – Clean up setup_experiment_1 and setup_experiment_2 codes #34084
  • Update – Deploy payments settings banner and add tracks #34326
  • Update – Improving accessibility: adding missing form field labels and shop table header cell labels. #31211
  • Update – Remove WCPay Subscriptions offer page experiment code #34317
  • Update – Update context prop of wcadmin_tasklist_click/view event #34297
  • Update – Update in-app marketplace to display localized strings #34356
  • Update – Update inbox notes to display localized note when the locale is changed #34038
  • Update – Update misc WC code to support COT> #34124
  • Update – Update store details task complete logic #34206
  • Update – Update store location profiler #34153
  • Update – Update WC_Notes_Refund_Returns note to display localized strings #34352
  • Dev – Add e2e test to test the bug discovered in #32016 #34187
  • Dev – Added a new package script to set up the local environment with COT enabled. #34321
  • Dev – Added phpcs:ignore to silence phpstan #34345
  • Dev – Add product name and checkboxes for Product details #34214 #34214
  • Dev – Adds wc com disconnect command to allow store being disconnected from WooCommerce.com via CLI #33999
  • Dev – Add unique constraints to the COT addresses and operational tables #34144
  • Dev – Add utils for testing backend tracks events #34010
  • Dev – Add wc com connect command to allow stores to connect to WCCOM via CLI #34073
  • Dev – Alter the PHPCS settings to disallow Yoda conditions (except in “includes”) #34185
  • Dev – Better e2e setup/teardown logging #34004
  • Dev – Corrected the template version for templates/myaccount/form-login.php #34308
  • Dev – Disable the WordPress.PHP.YodaConditions.NotYoda phpcs rule #34204
  • Dev – Fixes for internal datastore tests. #34210
  • Dev – Fix order related methods in customer data store #34121
  • Dev – Fix PHP 8.1 warnings and errors. #34336
  • Dev – Fix typescript errors for setting selector #34184
  • Dev – Increase expect timeout to reduce e2e flakiness in CI #33979
  • Dev – Retry login in e2e to reduce flakiness #33997
  • Dev – Update link to setting default Linux distro in WSL readme. #34068
  • Dev – Update package.json scripts within woocommerce/client/admin plugin. #33982 #33982
  • Dev – Updates based on prior feedback, fixes for tests in CI #33965
  • Dev – Updating e2e, api and performance tests against a wp-env environment #34311
  • Tweak – Update product task experiment names and add spotlight parameter to physical product template link #34495
  • Tweak – Add a namespace to all the classes of the Psr\Container package #33703
  • Tweak – Add Skip button on OBW steps #34176
  • Tweak – Tweak the marketing task flow after installing a plugin #34241
  • Performance – Cache plugin data in system status API endpoint #33899
  • Enhancement – Allow accessing WooCommerce Customizer panels directly from customizer.php in block themes #34443
  • Enhancement – Add i18n support for data source poller #34247
  • Enhancement – Adds support for date_query to the COT datastore. #34119
  • Enhancement – Add support for the ‘customer’ query var to the COT datastore. #34059
  • Enhancement – Add the border bottom of the modal’s header #33807
  • Enhancement – Configured wp-env test environment for Playwright tests. Also updated tests to work with the either wp-env or e2e-environment. #33850
  • Enhancement – Hide the customizer when the active theme is a FSE theme. #34022
  • Enhancement – Implements query() for the orders table datastore. #33834
  • Enhancement – Reduce the amount of terms shown in attributes page #33962
  • Enhancement – Use method_exists instead of throwing in AbstractServiceProvider::reflect_class_or_callable #33960

WooCommerce Blocks 8.1.0 & 8.2.0 & 8.2.1 & 8.3.0 & 8.3.1 & 8.3.2

  • Enhancement – Add feedback box to the Cart & Checkout Inner Blocks in the inspector. (6881)
  • Enhancement – Enable the Cart and Checkout blocks when WooCommerce Blocks is bundled in WooCommerce Core.(6805)
  • Enhancement – Refactor style-attributes hooks to add as global custom imports and remove relative import paths.(6870)
  • Enhancement – Add the ability to register patterns by adding them under the “patterns” folder and add the new “WooCommerce Filters” pattern.(6861)
  • Enhancement – Update: New block icon for the Mini Cart block.(6784)
  • Enhancement – Update WooCommerce block template descriptions.(6667)
  • Enhancement – Add filter URL support to filter blocks when filtering for All Products block.(6642)
  • Enhancement – Add: Allow choosing between single and multiple sections.(6620)
  • Enhancement – Cart endpoint for Store API (/wc/store/cart) now features cross-sell items based on cart contents.(6635)
  • Fix – Fix Best Selling Products block ordering (7025)
  • Fix – Prevent unnecessarily showing the item names in a shipping package if it’s the only package. (6899)
  • Fix – Refactor Product Categories block to use block.json.(6875)
  • Fix – Add font-weight controls to the Mini Cart block text.(6760)
  • Fix – Fix proceed to checkout button not working for custom links.(6804)
  • Fix – Mini Cart block: Remove the compatibility notice.(6803)
  • Fix – Render the product attribute archive page using the archive-product template.(6776)
  • Fix – Select the correct inner button for the “Featured Item” button to update its URL.(6741)
  • Fix – Navigate through Mini Cart contents with keyboard.(6731)
  • Fix – Ensure add to cart notices are displayed on pages containing the Mini Cart block.(6728)
  • Fix – Fixes an issue where search lists would not preserve the case of the original item.(6551)
  • Fix – Prevent Featured Product block from breaking when product is out of stock + hidden from catalog.(6640)
  • Fix – Contrast improvement for checkout error messages when displayed over a theme’s dark mode.(6292)

See changelog for all versions.