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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Oh but imagine Dream glimpsing Hob back in 1389 and immediately deciding they’re getting married right now and whisking him away to The Dreaming, Hades and Persephone style, and Hob thinking “wait so I just got kidnapped by an actual king of dreams, who is hella hot, was granted immortality and it seems my job for the rest of the eternity is to get my back blown by him and also be married to him and, and I cannot stress this enough, I am a Medieval Peasant [TM] and he is a King so I fail to see a single downside to this situation???”

And so Hob Gadling marries Dream of the Endless and they go back to the White Horse every 100 years to have a cute anniversary date.

And of course Hob spends a lot of time in the Waking World because you have to have interests outside of marriage and spending a decade or two pretending to be a Totally Normal Human is Hob’s hobby?


- bodyguard Corinthian (“seriously I don’t need a guard” “yeah I hear you but Dream said if you get hurt he’ll remake me with no genitalia so as far as I’m concerned, anyone who gets within 20 yards of you is getting their spleen removed through their nose” “but I want to go to the market!” “Well then pick one that is the opposite of busy!”)

- awkward courtship after literally kidnapping someone to marry them? “I gift you this flying horse and a star from heavens and the first flower of the first spring and I’ll build you castle with 100 chambers and…” meanwhile Hob is already done because he wants to seal the deal right now before the KING OF DREAMS decides to change his mind

- obligatory meet the family shenanigans

- 3 minutes after Burgess kidnaps Dream, Hob hadoukens him through a wall and saves his man

awooce asked:

If you want a good guide on how to do a protagonist who the world doesn’t treat like one, someone who’s just kind of A Guy, read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. The first one in particular does a great job at treatjng Arthur as this normal dude with no idea what’s going on most of the time.

You definitely want to give your protagonist a lot of agency, but you can still keep him a non-magic guy in a very magic world. It’s better if he does things to drive the plot rather than get dragged along.

Thanks for the recommendation