
Available Resources

The LCMS School Ministry Office works hard to provide Lutheran educational ministries with the resources needed to fulfill the mission of spreading the Gospel. To that end, there are many resources available for educators, administrators, and others in ministry at all levels of students from birth through high school graduates.  Use the links above in the “Resources” tab to access resources such as Chapel Talks, National Lutheran Schools Week materials, School Ministry Mailings, and many others!

Where Did All of the Previous Resources Go?

Many of the resources previously found on the Lutheran School Portal are still here! In migrating the information from the previous Portal, there was a conscious effort made to ensure that resources would be better organized and easier to find on the new LuthEd site. Thus, you will find many of the resources you may be looking for in in the links in the “Resource” tab drop down at the top of this page. Additionally, further and historical content can be found through the search functionality at the top of the page. If you are still unable to find something you are looking for, please contact us in the School Ministry Office!

Resources: Quick Links


For more information about the resources available from the LCMS School Ministry office or to suggest additional resources to be developed, please contact us at