These documents will guide and direct the NLSA Evidence Based Accreditation (EBA) process for all elementary, middle and high schools. Please use the links below to access resources to be utilized before the process begins as well as the required school documentation.
Resources to be Used Prior to the EBA Process (Voluntary)
NLSA EBA Getting Ready for National Lutheran School Accreditation (9/2022)
NLSA EBA Projected Timeline (9/2022)
NLSA EBA Glossary of Terms (9/2022)
EBA Documentation for Schools (Required)
NLSA EBA Administrator Manual (9/2022)
NLSA EBA Self-Study (9/2022) (Microsoft Word Version)
NLSA EBA Self-Study (9/2022) (Google Docs Version)
*NOTE: Please be logged into your Google Drive account and choose the “Make a copy…” option in the File menu to create your document copy and to enable edits to the original document.
Survey Instruments
NLSA has developed survey questions that are correlated with the seven standard areas and should be used at the beginning of a self-study process. A school may choose their own personal method of administration of the survey templates below as a part of their needs assessment process. Feel free to add additional questions to the survey but do not remove any already included.
Download the EBA Survey Tools
(Includes Parent Survey Questions, Teacher Survey Questions, Student Survey Grades 1-3, and Student Survey Grades 4-8)
NLSA Substantive Changes in Accredited Schools
Instructions: Substantive Changes in Accredited Schools (9/2022)
For a variety of reasons during an accreditation cycle, a school may choose to make substantive changes in its offerings that significantly alter the status of its school. A school must initiate a substantive change procedure with NLSA if the school experiences a change in any of the following:
- Physical location of school
- Addition of or transfer of programs to new or different buildings
- Grade level configuration
- Type of school
- Change in ownership and/or control
- Change in legal status or form of control of the institution
- Opening a branch or classroom extension
- Change in established mission or objectives
- Addition of courses or programs that represent a significant departure, in terms of either the content or method of delivery, from those that were offered when NLSA most recently evaluated the institution.