The 2022-23 Chapel Talks for Lutheran Schools

Chapel Talks

The 2022–23 Chapel Talks for Lutheran Schools is centered around Matthew 28:19-20 and explores the triennium theme of Making Disciples for Life. Historically and presently, Lutheran schools are integral to Making Disciples for Life. The theme unites Lutheran schools in worship, witness and life together.

It contains resources for individuals tasked with leading weekly chapel services for students of all ages in Lutheran and Christian schools. Bible verses, weekly hymns and speaking points make up only a portion of the great content of this resource.

This year’s Chapel Talks is available as a free download.

Chapel Talks is produced by the LCMS School Ministry office and permission is granted to reproduce Chapel Talks for use in school and ministry worship services.  For more information about Chapel Talks, contact LCMS School Ministry at 888-THE LCMS (843-5267) or via email at

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About the Author

The author, the Rev. Bob Riggert, was made a disciple through his infant Baptism at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Bremen, Kan. Lutheran schools (rural elementary school; Concordia University, Nebraska, Seward, Neb.; Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne) were instrumental in his discipleship training.

Pastor Bob has been privileged to “make disciples” as a teacher and principal in Lutheran schools in Ohio and Indiana, in pastoral ministries in Iowa District West and as Executive Assistant for Education, Youth and Family Life in Iowa District West.

Riggert wrote the Bible studies for the 2008 and 2011 LCMS National Children’s Ministry conferences; “Living as Children of a Generous God” stewardship resources for Lutheran Church Extension Fund; the “Chapel Talks” for 2014–22; and numerous other Bible studies and children’s ministry resources.