WordPress.com Courses

Learn a new skill. Earn some credentials. Take your blog, business, or website to the next level. All courses are taught by the best WordPress experts on Earth.

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Whatever your goal is, we’ll help you reach it.

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WordPress experts teach all of our courses. They also answer your questions, provide feedback, and more in our paid courses communities.

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All courses are free and give you access to an exclusive WordPress.com community and live Q&A sessions with experts.

Ready to start right away?

Learn directly from our experts
with on-demand, go-at-your-own pace courses.


This free course will benefit bloggers at any stage of their creative journey, but was created especially with beginners in mind. Define your why, what and who. Then build, publish, and grow your blog. This course will help you with the key elements of creating a blog that you’re excited to publish — and others are excited to read.


If you’ve ever wanted to start or grow your podcast, this course is designed for you. Gain all the fundamental (and a few advanced) skills you need to create a podcast you’re proud of. Easily digestible, go-at-your-own pace lessons taught by some of the most seasoned podcasters on the internet will challenge you and help grow your confidence — until you’re a podcasting pro!

Intro to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimize content and grow your audience

Understanding search engine optimization (SEO) is valuable for anyone looking to improve their site or blog for both search engines and humans. The course will give you a solid foundation of what you can do to ensure people have the best chance to find your content when they search online.