Support » Fixing WordPress » PHP Warning: Undefined array keys in /wp-includes/canonical.php

  • Hello,

    I am seeing the following errors in the error_log on my website’s server:

    [27-Sep-2022 23:04:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key “host” in /home/…/public_html/wp-includes/canonical.php on line 699
    [27-Sep-2022 23:04:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key “scheme” in /home/…/public_html/wp-includes/canonical.php on line 720

    I’m not sure how to go about resolving these errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @reedk55

    You can try basic troubleshooting:

    1. Deactivate third party plugin
    2. Switch to default themes
    3. Try to re-install WordPress core
    4. Check if you meet WP minimum requirements.
    4. Update your PHP version.

    <font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”7585903″ _msthash=”442″><font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”7585903″ _msthash=”480″><font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”7612111″ _msthash=”482″>Que dois je faire dans cette erreur sur ma page d’accueil de mon site </font></font></font><strong _msttexthash=”19877″ _msthash=”333″> <font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”7548190″ _msthash=”474″>Avertissement : 213718 de clé de tableau non définie dans /htdocs/wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php à la ligne 211 ? B</font>
    <font _mstmutation=”1″></font>

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