Colored grid of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal icons.

CC at UN #GlobalGoalsWeek 2022

Want to build a fairer, more peaceful world? Creative Commons does and we are joining over 170 other organizations in New York City during 16–25 September to accelerate progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during 2022 #GlobalGoalsWeek. CC’s deep engagement with the SDGs comes from two of our fundamental beliefs: First, that … Read More “CC at UN #GlobalGoalsWeek 2022”

CC Partners with SPARC and EIFL to Launch a 4-Year Open Climate Campaign

To make open sharing of research outputs the norm in climate science, Creative Commons, SPARC and EIFL are proud to launch a 4-year Open Climate Campaign with funding from Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, which builds on planning funds from the Open Society Foundations. Climate change, and the resulting … Read More “CC Partners with SPARC and EIFL to Launch a 4-Year Open Climate Campaign”

Press Release: New Four-Year, $4 Million Open Climate Campaign Will Open Knowledge to Solve Challenges in Climate and Biodiversity

Mountain View, CA 30 Aug 2022: Creative Commons, SPARC and EIFL today announce a new 4-year, $4-million (USD) grant from Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, to fund the Open Climate Campaign. This grant, which builds on $450,000 (USD) in planning funds from the Open Society Foundations, will fund a … Read More “Press Release: New Four-Year, $4 Million Open Climate Campaign Will Open Knowledge to Solve Challenges in Climate and Biodiversity”

An orange open padlock icon sandwiched by the words open and access.

A Big Win for Open Access: United States Mandates All Publicly Funded Research Be Freely Available with No Embargo

Today the United States White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued dramatic guidance to all US federal agencies: update all policies to require that all federally funded research and data is available for the public to freely access and re-use “in agency-designated repositories without any embargo or delay after publication.” Creative Commons … Read More “A Big Win for Open Access: United States Mandates All Publicly Funded Research Be Freely Available with No Embargo”

Open Science No Text Logo

Creating a Campaign to Increase Open Access to Research on Climate Science and Biodiversity: A joint initiative of Creative Commons, EIFL and SPARC

Open Science No Text. By: Greg Emmerich. CC BY-SA 3.0 As the United Nations Climate Change Conference, officially known as the 26th Conference of Parties, or COP26, continues in Glasgow, Scotland, I’m pleased to share some good news. The Open Society Foundations approved funding for Creative Commons, SPARC and EIFL to lead a global campaign … Read More “Creating a Campaign to Increase Open Access to Research on Climate Science and Biodiversity: A joint initiative of Creative Commons, EIFL and SPARC”

Power to the people

On Thursday 28 October 2021, Creative Commons CEO Catherine Stihler delivered a keynote at the University of St Andrews’ Power to the people: St Andrews’ journey to net-zero and the future of energy event ahead of the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, officially known as the 26th Conference of Parties, or COP26. In her … Read More “Power to the people”

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Creative Commons Calls on the EU to Show Clear Support for Waiving COVID Vaccine Patents

The news yesterday from US trade Ambassador Katherine Tait that the Biden-Harris administration supports waiving IP protections for COVID vaccines is not just welcome, it is laying a stake in the ground for others to follow. The hesitancy of both the EU and UK to support the US places them on the wrong side of … Read More “Creative Commons Calls on the EU to Show Clear Support for Waiving COVID Vaccine Patents”

PIJIP at American University to Lead the Open COVID Pledge

We are pleased to announce today that our friends at the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) at American University Washington College of Law have taken over leadership and stewardship of the Open COVID Pledge (OCP). Last year, Creative Commons joined forces with an international group of volunteer researchers, scientists, academics, and lawyers … Read More “PIJIP at American University to Lead the Open COVID Pledge”