Principles for License Enforcement published

The principles for license enforcement are now published. The consultation period has ended, and we’re grateful to everyone who contributed their many thoughtful comments! These principles will be useful for: Platforms that host CC-licensed materials and want to incorporate them into site policy to guide user expectations Creators who want to enforce rights under a … Read More “Principles for License Enforcement published”

SDG Academy & Creative Commons

+ By Cable Green: Director of Open Education, Creative Commons, and Chandrika Bahadur: Director, SDG Academy  Open access to knowledge has never been more important than it is today. The promise of connectivity and the democratization of knowledge has made it possible for anyone, anywhere, to learn. In an increasingly connected and complex world, society … Read More “SDG Academy & Creative Commons”

Statement on the death of CC friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil

We are deeply saddened and completely outraged to learn today that our friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil has been executed by the Syrian regime. Bassel was Creative Commons’ Syrian project lead, an open source software programmer, teacher, Wikipedia contributor, and free culture advocate. He was also a devoted son and husband, and a great friend … Read More “Statement on the death of CC friend and colleague Bassel Khartabil”

Wikipedia Says It’s Time for Fair Use in Australia

This week Wikipedia is urging users in Australia to tell their government representatives to champion fair use. The campaign, organised alongside Electronic Frontiers Australia and the Australian Digital Alliance, advocates for policy makers to update copyright law to include fair use, thus providing a progressive legal framework to support creators and remixers, educational activities, and … Read More “Wikipedia Says It’s Time for Fair Use in Australia”