WordCamp Vienna 2022 Wrapup

Can you believe that WordCamp Vienna 2022 is already over?
Many thanks for helping to make this such an successful event.

Our team had a great time planning the event and we hope you had a great experience attending.

We hope to see you all again next year at WordCamp 2023 is on April, 15th and 16th or on one of your monthly WP-Meetups

Slides / Presentations and Videos of the Talks

We’re still collecting slides from some of the speakers. Videos will take longer (1 – 2 months).
You’ll find them at WordCamp Vienna 2022 Presentations and Videos

Photos of the Event

You’ll find great photos at WordCamp Vienna 2022-Photo-Gallery.
If you use them you are obliged to mention the photographer (c) Klaus Prokop.

WordCamp Vienna in Numbers

  • 281 Tickets issued
  • 255 attended
  • 19 Speakers
  • 11 Organizers
  • 15 Volunteers
  • 28 Sponsors

Your Feedback

We would like to thank all participants who gave us their valuable time and feedback. The results can be found at WordCamp Vienna 2022 – Participant Feedback.

What was written about the WordCamp

GCVB at WordCamp Vienna 2022


Das WordCamp Vienna 2022 wird gefördert von


To all of the volunteers that helped to make the day run so smoothly – thank you for your time, your skill, your patience, and mostly for being you!
You were all amazing!

Thank you everyone – attendees, volunteers, sponsors and organisers – for making WordCamp Vienna 2022 such a very special event!

Danke an unsere Gold- & Community Sponsoren

Ohne unsere Sponsoren wäre … ok, ja. Hast du schon mal gehört. Es ist aber wirklich so. Aber es ist auch ein Geben und Nehmen – zum Vorteil aller. Daher solltest du als Besucher des #WCVIE unbedingt bei den Sponsoren vorbei schauen, du wirst Neues erfahren und vielleicht die eine oder andere Idee für dein eigenes Projekt bekommen.

Im Jahr 2022 sind unsere Gold-Sponsoren:



WP-Projects bietet Agenturen, Unternehmen und Resellern schnelles und zuverlässiges WordPress-Hosting mit richtig gutem Service. Mit unserer LiteSpeed Webserver & Caching-Infrastruktur sorgen wir dafür, dass Ihre WordPress und WooCommerce-Projekte einen echten Performance-Boost erleben.
Mit unseren cleveren Verwaltungstools ist es ganz einfach, Ihre WordPress-Installationen zentral und übersichtlich zu verwalten. Funktionen wie die bequeme Installation von WordPress, automatische Updates inklusive Themes und Plugins und die 1-Klick-Erstellung von Test- und Entwicklungsumgebungen (Staging) bieten Ihnen eine bequeme Möglichkeit, selbst eine größere Anzahl von WordPress-Installation übersichtlich zu verwalten und dabei Zeit und Geld zu sparen – selbstverständlich inklusive automatischem Vorher-/Nachher-Vergleich.

Kostenlose SSL-Zertifikate und unser Sicherheitscheck, mit dem Sie Ihre WordPress-Installation komfortabel prüfen und absichern, sorgen dafür, dass Sie mit Ihrer Website stets auf der sicheren Seite sind.

Persönliche Ansprechpartner statt anonymer Hotlines und leidenschaftlicher Service rund um Ihre WordPress-Projekte liegen uns am Herzen. Wir beraten Sie in allen technischen Belangen rund um WordPress – egal ob es um den Betrieb oder eine Beratung zu einem individuellen Vorhaben geht.
Um unseren Kunden jederzeit schnelles und ausfallsicheres Hosting bieten zu können, betreiben wir unsere eigenen Systeme in unserem Rechenzentrum in Frankfurt am Main. Wir legen besonderen Wert auf schnelle Reaktionszeiten – sowohl was unsere Server, als auch unsere Techniker vor Ort betrifft. Deutscher Datenschutz inklusive.

Nutzen Sie doch einfach unseren kostenfreien WordPress-Umzugsservice – ganz ohne Ausfallzeiten. Damit Sie sich ganz auf Ihre Website konzentrieren können.

Open Source Experts


Talent Garden


Unsere Community Sponsoren 2022 sind:

Osom Studio

Osom Studio

Osom Studio is a boutique WordPress & WooCommerce agency for tech companies. We’re Kinsta and WP Vip partners. Software producers and hardware manufacturers come to us, knowing we’ll first make sure to understand their products before we start building a website or webstore for them. This combination of tech-savvy and business awareness is a result of being around for over a decade and working with the best.

JSON Content Importer

Json Content Importer

Das kostenlose WordPress-Plugin “JSON Content Importer” verbindet tausende WordPress-Sites mit API-Schnittstellen: Damit kannst Du z. B. aktuelle Wetterdaten, Bitcoin-Kurse oder Sportergebnisse SEO-optimiert auf Deiner Website einbinden.

Die JCI-PRO-Version geht viel tiefer: Damit kann JSON/XML/CSV…-Datenquellen sehr flexibel (curl) anzapfen und mit twig verarbeiten. Sei es aus Daten WordPress-Seiten oder User zu erzeugen, Daten per Frontend zu durchsuchen oder als API-Scharnier für ein Headless CMS.
mehr unter https://json-content-importer.com









Vielen herzlichen Dank bei allen genannten Unternehmen, die uns mit einem Gold- oder Community-Paket, oder anderen wichtigen Leistungen, die für das Gelingen der Veranstaltung notwendig sind, unterstützt haben!

Presenting our Platinum Sponsor Elementor

Elementor is a leading web creation platform on WordPress, powering over 10 million websites in 152 markets. Elementor’s open-source platform enables Web Creators to design, manage, and host their websites using our all-in-one solution.As an Elementor user, you can:

  • Create websites one platform with unlimited web creations.
  • Build professional websites faster and better for multiple clients and grow your web creation business.
  • Learn, grow and connect with other Web Creators in Elementor’s vibrant online community.

Start building your future with Elementor today! LEARN MORE


Presenting our Global Sponsor WEGLOT

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to WEGLOT for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

Weglot is a WordPress multilingual plugin to translate and display your website in multiple languages. It provides a fast, first layer of automated translation which you can easily edit yourself or by adding teammates, or collaborate with pro-translators through the Weglot dashboard. Trusted by more than 50,000 website owners and developers and with a 5-star rating on the WordPress directory (1000+ reviews) – you can have a multilingual website up and running in minutes. Key benefits include:

  • Simple and quick set-up
  • Multilingual SEO best practices (translated URLs & metadata)
  • Compatibility with any Themes and Plugins (incl. WooCommerce)
  • Automatic and human translations
  • A unique dashboard with an ‘in context editor’, easily edit translations & invite teammates to collaborate on projects
  • Expert support: a fully dedicated technical support team at your disposal

Presenting our Global Sponsor Nexcess

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Nexcess for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

Nexcess provides a fully managed, high-performance, and best-in-class cloud solution built to optimize WordPress and WooCommerce sites and stores. For over 20 years, our holistic, hands-on approach to managed products and solutions has provided users with tools that help them create better websites and e-commerce stores along with expert, on-demand support. By removing the stress of managing the day-to-day operations of their site or store, we afford our customers the ability to PRESS forward and focus more on what inspires them.

Whether you’re a small business owner, designer, developer, or a small to medium-sized agency, Nexcess has a solution to help you and your business succeed.

Presenting our Global Sponsor WordPress.com

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to WordPress.com for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

WordPress.com offers managed hosting — a service that is 100% dedicated to hosting WordPress open source software for optimized performance. Managed hosting is a great option for people who don’t want to deal with the backend technical operations of running a website.

You get all the power of WordPress, professionally managed and hassle-free, including:

  • Speed: WordPress.com earned Top Tier status in the WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks review with perfect 100% uptime on both monitors, zero errors across both load tests, and the fastest WP bench of any company in any price tier this year.
  • Powerful, built-in SEO: All of our themes are optimized for search engines, which means they are designed to make it easy for the Googlebot (and other search engines) to crawl through them and index your content.
  • Ironclad security: Our systems and security teams are vigilant about protecting your site and personal data. That’s why we’re trusted by some of the most high-profile sites on the web.
  • Hands-on support: Get world-class dedicated support from our happiness engineers, educational courses, and webinars.
  • Peace of mind: We make it easy to get started and maintain your site with automatic version updates and real-time silent backups, so you’ll never worry about losing your site content.


Presenting our Global Sponsor WooCommerce

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to WooCommerce for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

WooCommerce is the most customizable eCommerce platform to build exactly the store you want. From physical products to digital downloads, services, and subscriptions, sell worldwide with the freedom of WordPress. WooCommerce is developed and supported by a distributed team at Automattic, creators of Jetpack and WordPress.com. For more go to WooCommerce.com.

Presenting our Global Sponsor Jetpack

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to Jetpack for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

Safer, faster WordPress. Jetpack is a powerful collection of security and performance tools made for WordPress sites by the WordPress experts.

  • Proven security tools keep your site backed up, online, and hack-free.
  • Fast-loading pages mean happier visitors.
  • Everything in a single package — so you can focus on your business.

Learn how Jetpack helps you secure and speed up your site at jetpack.com.

Presenting our Global Sponsor bluehost

Our valued sponsors help support the WordPress open source project by donating to WordCamp Vienna. Without them, this event simply would not be possible. We are grateful to bluehost for providing us with their support as a Global Sponsor!

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005, and powers over 2 million websites across the world with reliable hosting and personalized guidance. By leveraging the power of WordPress, Bluehost provides the fast website creation methods coupled with intuitive management tools. From secure automated WordPress installations to advanced marketing tools and services, and access to specialized WordPress experts, Bluehost is the best place to build, grow, and scale an online presence.