Section 1

#WCNashik 2016 Recap

300+ WordPressers
22 Speakers/Panelists
12 Sessions
27 Sponsors

#WCNashik 2016 Gallery

Section 2

Why #WCNashik?

India’s most happening conference for people involved with WordPress (over 300+ participants in 2016)
More than 10 hours of instances to interact with industry experts, to participate on the event day and during the amazing After Party!
Multiple tracks – “Developer”, “User”, and “Panel Discussions”.
Extremely Friendly community, nice atmosphere and many opportunities to interact with other participants.

Section 3

#WCNashik 2016 Experience through the Eyes of the Participants

Pramod Jodhani

Pramod Jodhani

WordCamp Nashik 2016 was one of the best events I have ever attended. Got the opportunity to learn from the best people in the community. The organizers had taken care of each and every detail. Also, I got to meet with who’s who in WordPress community. Recommend for all, be it developers, business owners, freelancers, students or bloggers.

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Harshad Yeola

Harshad Yeola

Experience at #WCNashik 2016 can be expressed in a single word, that is “AWESOME” in every sense. It was fun while engaging with the community with quality talks and having delicious food.

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Sumit Singh

Sumit Singh

WordCamp Nashik 2016 was my second WordCamp. It is always a nice experience attending WordCamps. But #WCNashik 2016 was fabulous.
If you are a WordPress User it is very important to meet community members nearby you so you can exchange ideas and contribute to WordPress in several ways.
In my opinion, the purpose of WordCamps is to exchange knowledge and give back to the community and #WCNashik was perfect in serving its purpose.

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Section 4








After Party

Sponsor #WCNASHIK 2017

We’re looking for sponsors to bring this community run event to life!

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