Attending WordCamp Dayton? Here’s What You Need to Know.

As we are only a couple days away from  WordCamp Dayton 2016, we wanted to reach out to you with some final details.


We have some great meals set up for you. On Friday, we will be having our lunch catered by Hot Head Burritos, a local favorite. Lunch will include a choice of Chicken, Beef, and Barbacoa with brown or whiteWordCamp-Dayton-2016-Logo rice, beans, and a selection of toppings and sauces.

On Saturday, we will have the great food from Scratch Catering. Chef Matt has prepared a great menu for us which will also include a vegetarian option upon request.

For any extra dietary needs, please prepare accordingly.

We will also be providing snacks and drinks throughout the day.


Parking this year is a little different from two years ago. We are allowed to park in lot 4 this year which is a little further away. You are required to print a parking pass and display it in your front window on Friday. You can download your parking pass here > 

Here’s a link to the map of the campus. You can find Lot 4 on the left side of the map. The building we are in is labled “RK” beside Lot 8.

To give yourself enough time, we suggest arriving on campus around 15 minutes early from when you plan to give yourself enough time to find the correct lot and walk to the building.

Social Media

We will be monitoring our Twitter account @DaytonWP throughout the event and using the hashtag #wcdayton. Please feel free to post pictures and tweet your thoughts of the event throughout the day.

Our Sponsors

Please let our sponsors know we appreciate their support of this camp. Without their support, we would not be able to have our camp. For a full list of sponsors, visit our sponsor page. Our sponsors love to receive tweets thanking them for their sponsorship, just remember to tag it #wcdayton.

Need Help?

During the event, if you need any assistance, look for anyone with a gold or green WordCamp Dayton shirt. These are our volunteers and organizers and we are here to help make your weekend a great one.

You can also request help on our social media, or email and we will do what we can to help you.

We look forward to seeing you this weekend and hope you are as excited for the event as we are!

– Your WordCamp Dayton Organizers

Welcome Celek Media Consulting as a Small Business Level Sponsor!

Celek-Media-Logo-2014-v1-200x85p-No-BkgndThank you to Celek Media Consulting for joining us as a Small Business Level sponsor.

About Our Sponsor:

Celek Media Consulting exists for one reason — to help customers find your business when they search and shop online.

We make websites (with WordPress, of course), social media, video, newsletters, blogs and search directories work for you to make sure customers see you, learn about you and can connect with you whenever they’re ready for information about your products and services.

We tell your business story in ways that influence search rank and that encourage customers to contact you or refer you to their friends and business partners. Connect with Celek Media Consulting >

Thank you to the team at Celek Media Consulting. We couldn’t do this without you.

Welcome Easy Name as a Small Business Level Sponsor!

Easy Name logoThank you to  Easy Name, which has joined us as a Small Business Level Sponsor!

More about Our Sponsor:

Easy Name provides web domains, website hosting and design and related services.

A wide range of more than 300 domain extensions (all available for registration in real time!) is available: In addition, we offer:

  • A highly functional and user-friendly domain and hosting control panel available round the clock
  • Simple payment facilities as by credit card, PayPal, DIRECTebanking, direct debit or bank transfer
  • High-availability computer centers
  • Data center & server
    All easyname server systems operate redundantly and are run exclusively with HP High-End Hardware of the Proliant DL380 Series. The data centers are located in the EU at 2 locations and connected via fiberglass.
  • The internet connection is carried over 10 gigabit uplinks through the following carriers: GlobalCrossings, LambdaNet, Eurorings, Abovenet and Cogentgo. Direkt connection to the DE-CIX (Deutscher Dommercial Internet Exchange and the Vienna Internet Exchanges VIX1 and VIX2 are also available.”

Thank you to the team at Easy Name. We couldn’t do this without you.

Round Six – Speaker Announcement

Paul Tela

Containerizing WordPress

Containers are a useful tool for building efficient, flexible, and dependable infrastructure. With the growth in popularity of Docker, containers are more accessible to developers than ever before. WordPress, being designed to run in shared hosting environments, presents some interesting challenges when being run inside a container. We’ll start by looking at the basics of how containers work and important considerations when moving to containers. Next, we’ll investigate the WordPress specific challenges to containerization and some possible solutions. Finally, we’ll talk about running containers in production.

Maureen Carruthers

WordPress 101 – Posts/Pages/Categories

In this workshop you will learn how to use the WordPress dashboard. The session will focus around the differences between posts and pages as well as how to use categories and tags.

Justin Rains

How to Add Bootstrap to Your Custom WordPress Theme

Bootstrap is a popular framework to build responsive websites. In this session we’ll explore how I’ve integrated bootstrap into my themes for responsiveness. This presentation will also include a live demo.

Andrew Walker

Panel: Site Maintenance – Best Practices for Keeping Your Site Up and Running

This panel’s focus is to highlight the best practices for keeping a secure WordPress website. We’ll also uncover some of the biggest mistakes we’ve seen.

Welcome Buckeye Interactive as a Bronze Sponsor!

Buckeye Interactive logoWelcome Buckeye Interactive as a Bronze Level sponsor.

More About Our Sponsor:

Buckeye Interactive is a web engineering team passionately empowering successful small businesses and funded tech startups with sustainable revenue growth and scalable business processes.  The team focuses on a unique all-in-house combination of business and product strategy, development and design to deliver exceptional results for clients with limited resources.

Buckeye Interactive‘s clients have best-in-class products and services, and they partner with Buckeye Interactive to provide technology and design expertise to enable and accelerate growth.  Web and mobile experiences crafted by the team include marketing and e-commerce websites, web applications and mobile applications.”

Thank you to Brad Griffith and his team at Buckeye Interactive. We couldn’t do it without you!

Saturday Keynotes Announcement

Nathan B. Weller

Morning: How We Grew the Elegant Themes’ Blog to Over 1 Million Monthly Visitors

In this talk Nathan B. Weller tells the story of the Elegant Themes blog. From its humble beginnings as a simple way to announce new products and bug fixes to the most visited blog about WordPress in the world in 2015. He will walk through the strategies Elegant Themes adopted that have resulted in their dramatic growth over a few short years. As well as a peak at what they’re doing now to keep the growth streak alive.

Brad Griffith

Afternoon: Building an Open Source Agency

Are you ready to start or grow your WordPress design and development work into a real business? Brad Griffith bears all and tells the tale of his agency from inception through year 6, developing WordPress websites and other open source software. Buckeye Interactive was founded on open source principles, centered on the idea that small businesses and tech startups need not turn to an amateur or an over-priced big city agency to build their websites and mobile apps. A passionate group of midwesterners can build world-class sites and apps just at least as well as the New York City or Silicon Valley elite. Learn how Brad has grown Buckeye Interactive to launch 40+ sites and apps each year while salvaging their sanity and profitability, and maintaining a focus on the open source values and small clients their team loves.

Welcome Bash Foo as a Small Business Sponsor

bashfoo-stacked (1)A big thanks to Bash Foo, our latest Small Business Level sponsor.

About Our Sponsor:

Bash Foo is a digital marketing agency that builds the online reputations of small business in affordable and inspiring ways. Through creative web design, search engine optimization, and online marketing, Bash Foo serves as a Creative Brand Provocateur for its clients. “

Thank you to Mike McDermott and his team at Bash Foo in Tipp City. We couldn’t do this without you.

Round Five – Speaker Announcement

Katie Patton

YouTube for Traffic

I’ll give insight and tips on how to make successful YouTube videos that can push traffic to your website. The session will be focused on getting organic traffic to your videos with various tactics.

Connor Blakley

Creating Authentic Relationships Through Social Media

I will show audience members how to utilize the features social media platforms offer to create authentic relationships.

Imagine if companies measured the ROI of social media as relationships made.

It is easier to sell to you friend than a stranger!

Angela Bergmann

SEO 101

Basic things any user can do to improve the SEO of their website. From what plugins help, to what you can do while writing to better optimize your website.

Erin Olmon

Using Custom Post Types to Align with Mental Models of Backend Users

Review the concept of mental models then discuss how we can use custom post types to better align the backend WordPress experience with the mental models of the people using it.

This topic falls in the realm of design strategy; it’s not a particularly advanced UX topic, but for people not exposed to UX or mental models, this will provide a way to frame part of the challenge of designing the WordPress admin/editor/writer experience.

Here’s Your Chance to Attend WordCamp Dayton for Free

WordCamp-Dayton-2016-LogoAs a Silver Sponsor, Yoast has provided  tickets that will be given to three lucky people who will get to attend WordCamp Dayton for free.

To enter the drawing for your shot at one of these tickets, click on the link below.

There is no financial cost to enter. All we ask is that you share details about  the WordCamp Dayton ticket raffle with your friends. 3 winners will be chosen on Feb 15th, 2016 Here’s how to do it:

Win a ticket from Yoast for Dayton WordCamp >

March 4th – March 5th 2016