Riley Harvill PhD
We are devoted to Leadership Growth and Development and will work with you in all stages of the employee and leadership cycle.
Our Numbers Tell You Why
You should Choose Us
Hired, Promoted, Coached, and Trained over 42,000
Employees Since 1992
Our Development Strategies Inspire you to
Learn More, Do More, Become more.
We are devoted to your vision.
The Coaching Relationship
The right coach is transformational. Think of the person in your life who believed in you the most and who helped you build your strengths. Now add a healthy dose of expert knowledge, emotional intelligence and benevolent feedback and you have the type of confidant that customizes your personal and professional development far beyond traditional training.
Training Solutions
Learning should be taken seriously but that doesn’t mean it cannot be fun. Our classes are built on facets of interactive learning. In fact, this learning firm was started in 1992 from the mix of drama, the theater, and psychology. From harassment to diversity awareness to leadership skills development, our classes build skills and promoted supervisory and leadership awareness. Call us for a list of over 20 classes.
How do you know where you need to go if you don’t know where you are? Correctly used and in the hands of an experienced coach, assessments provide direction for professional development within the framework of relational strengths. Among the objectives when assessing employees and leaders includes increasing personal awareness, identifying job match hiring, and increasing emotional intelligence. Assessments provide the foundation for job-role training practices that builds specific relational and communication skills.
Hiring and Promotion
Traditional hiring practices don’t work. The solution and key discovery over the past ten years is job-match assessment. Measuring cognitive reasoning, emotional intelligence, behavioral style, personality expression, emotional triggers offer predictive validity and significantly eliminates poor hiring decisions and can serve to change performance culture.
Inspired from our insights
- Developing Conflict Resolution Strategies at Your WorkplaceConflict starts when we don’t get what we want. It is inevitable at some point in our workplace each of us will experience conflict. This does not have to be the beginning of a strained relationship. Instead, learn how to use this challenging moment to open up to dialogue and create a strategy that resultsContinue reading “Developing Conflict Resolution Strategies at Your Workplace”
- Do Your Co-Workers Annoy You?“Difficult People are the greatest teachers.” -Pema Chodron Why do people behave the way they do? What can be done to help them improve? These are two fundamental questions we must consider when we try to gain control of how we feel and how we interact with the people we are assigned to influence. OneContinue reading “Do Your Co-Workers Annoy You?”
“We are in the business of helping People
Have Real Conversations that create Real Growth.”