
  • Member Since: March 14th, 2013
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  • Posted a reply to Last update with error, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Updates with errors, on the site Forums:
    Very annoying when there are updates with errors

  • Created a topic, Last update with error, on the site Forums:
    It is very annoying when an update goes wrong and ruin…

  • Created a topic, Plugin com erros e sem suporte, on the site Forums:
    Plugin com erros, envia formulários em branco, mesmo c…

  • Created a topic, Sending blank e-mails, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that the user is able to send blank emails, …

  • Created a topic, Multilingual, on the site Forums:
    Does this plugin work with multilingual websites? How…

  • Created a topic, Estou em periodo de testes, on the site Forums:
    I haven't found the solution for multi-language sites …

  • Created a topic, Integração simples, on the site Forums:
    Muito funcional como ferramenta de contato com quem vi…

  • Created a topic, Open editor with error message, on the site Forums:
    When I open the edit it always shows this error messag…

  • Created a topic, Validar configuração do Contact Form 7, on the site Forums:
    Uma má configuração leva a falhas na entrega do correi…

  • Posted a reply to Partial refund of order, on the site Forums:
    It's not a support request, it's a question. I want to buy this plugin, but…

  • Created a topic, Partial refund of order, on the site Forums:
    I am testing and trying this plugin in the Affiliates …

  • Created a topic, Orders in woocommerce partially refunded, on the site Forums:
    I am using the plugin, in the base version and wanted …

  • Posted a reply to Translate sent emails, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply, perhaps I was not clear in my question. I ask if…

  • Created a topic, Translate sent emails, on the site Forums:
    If I have a site in 5 languages, how do I send emails …

  • Posted a reply to Order with refund, on the site Forums:
    I didn't get an answer! No solution when an order has a partial refoud? Or…

  • Posted a reply to Order with refund, on the site Forums:
    Yes, and it works very well. When the order is processed, it generates the commissions…

  • Posted a reply to Order with refund, on the site Forums:
    What I want is the integration of an addon that calculates Woocommerce sales commissions and…

  • Posted a reply to Order with refund, on the site Forums:
    thank you for your reply. Not yet, I'm starting in testing and for now I'm…

  • Created a topic, Order with refund, on the site Forums:
    Refundable orders On an order the affiliate commissio…

  • Created a topic, Muito simples de iniciar, on the site Forums:
    Estou a iniciar com a junção de duas stores na mesma c…

  • Created a topic, Stripe Multibanco (Portugal) not working, on the site Forums:
    I use Stripe's payment module for credit cards, so as …

  • Created a topic, Date format, on the site Forums:
    Hello, How can I set the date format? The date in the …

  • Created a topic, Very nice and easy to use, on the site Forums:
    Very light and easy to create forms intuitively, good …

  • Posted a reply to ID Form, on the site Forums:
    That's it, I hadn't seen it. It's a theme that includes contact forms, including CF7,…

  • Created a topic, ID Form, on the site Forums:
    There are some themes that ask for the ID to connect t…

  • Posted a reply to GEOCODE appears at checkout, on the site Forums:
    You are right. But I didn't understand how it came on! I'll keep a closer…

  • Created a topic, GEOCODE appears at checkout, on the site Forums:
    Has anyone noticed that a GEOCODE table appears at the…

  • Posted a reply to Prevent checkout when not in zone, on the site Forums:
    You must have a shipping method, that is, if it is outside the area, the…

  • Posted a reply to Prevent checkout when not in zone, on the site Forums:
    I didn't really understand the difficulty, if everything is set up right, it works perfectly.…

  • Created a topic, Translations with VPML, on the site Forums:
    Hello forum, I need a plugin to create products with …

  • Created a topic, Excellent plugin for shipping and differentiated costs, on the site Forums:
    Excellent plugin for shipping and differentiated costs…

  • Posted a reply to Ship to a different address, on the site Forums:
    Problem solved after contact and quick response from support. I was very satisfied.

  • Posted a reply to Ship to a different address, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your professional support. I have sent an email to support

  • Posted a reply to Redirection to affiliate control panel not working, on the site Forums:
    After some checking The plugin that was generating the conflict was WP-Otimize I replaced the…

  • Posted a reply to Redirection to affiliate control panel not working, on the site Forums:
    After all, it's not up to the theme!!! The problem persists and I can't figure…

  • Posted a reply to Redirection to affiliate control panel not working, on the site Forums:
    Hello, again. I tried another theme and it works. Help request closed.

  • Posted a reply to Redirection to affiliate control panel not working, on the site Forums:
    No error message appears. I just can't get into the control panel: [AffiliatesHome]. --- Yes…

  • Posted a reply to Ship to a different address, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes I have the AS Locator plugin but it has…

  • Created a topic, Redirection to affiliate control panel not working, on the site Forums:
    When I make an affiliate registration, sometimes it do…

  • Posted a reply to Ship to a different address, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for your help. I tried to follow the indicated steps, I cleaned…

  • Posted a reply to Ship to a different address, on the site Forums:
    any support contact?

  • Created a topic, Ship to a different address, on the site Forums:
    I'm testing the plugin, but when I get to CHECKOUT eve…

  • Created a topic, Simples para iniciantes, on the site Forums:
    Ainda não utilizei a 100% mas pela análise que fiz, pa…

  • Created a topic, Para iniciante em woocomerce, on the site Forums:
    Plugin excelente para quem está a iniciar e muito bom …

  • Created a topic, Excelente tema muito completo, on the site Forums:
    Serve para muitas aplicações bastante versátil.

  • Posted a reply to Dropdown option not translatable, on the site Forums:
    I have the same problem, I want to translate the options in several languages, but…

  • Created a topic, Excelente plugin e funciona, on the site Forums:
    Já tinha experimentado similares, mas este foi o que t…

  • Created a topic, Excelente ajuda SEO, on the site Forums:
    Mesmo para um simples entusiasta como eu no WP esta fe…

  • Created a topic, Foi uma boa ajuda, on the site Forums:
    Para otimizar o site e melhorar o desempenho é muito …