
WordCamp – WordPress Conference

The idea for an event for WordPress users has been bouncing around in my head for a long time, as there is a really interesting group of people around WP but we don't do nearly as many face-to-face interactions as some similar projects. A set of circumstances are coming together at the beginning of August, and I think we're going to give it a go.

August 5th, 2006 is the date, here in the lovely town of San Francisco, California. The idea is a one day BarCamp-style free conference with a party that night. There will be free BBQ for lunch, WordPress t-shirts, and a full day of both user and developer discussion. ("BarCamp-style" is a code phrase for "last minute.")

There are still a few things to figure out, such as a venue, schedule, and other little things like that. (By the way, if you can help with any of these or have event experience, please drop me a note.) But mostly I wanted to get the date out there so people could start planning for it, buy tickets if they're travelling, and let us know if there are any huge conflicts that day. (Like a national holiday or something.)

In the meantime, I've put up a quick site where you can leave your email to signup for more information or let us know you're coming. If you think you can make it, please say so as soon as possible so we can prepare for the right number of people. If you'd like to help in any way, drop me a note via email or in the comments.

Don't know if this will work or not, but it should be fun regardless. Podz is coming in all the way from England, and Donncha from Ireland. 🙂

98 replies on “WordCamp – WordPress Conference”

[…] Matt just announced WordCamp over on his blog: The idea for an event for WordPress users has been bouncing around in my head for a long time, as there is a really interesting group of people around WP but we don’t do nearly as many face-to-face interactions as some similar projects. A set of circumstances are coming together at the beginning of August, and I think we’re going to give it a go. […]

Wow, I’d love to! If only the price of traveling from the Philippines to the US was affordable… And if only it was that easy to get a tourist visa. 😉

This is a good idea and I’d like to lend a hand as needed. Let me know if there’s something I can do to help and hopefully I can work on it.

I believe that August is the only month without a national holiday, speaking for the US calendar. Poor, poor August. All the other months mock it with their big holidays, ranging in dates from the 1st, 4th, 14th, 25th, and even 31st. But August has nothing to write home about. Maybe we can give it something to be proud of. It is, after all, a rather nice month and deserves a gift like this.

[…] Photo Matt announces Wordcamp “August 5th, 2006 is the date, here in the lovely town of San Francisco, California. The idea is a one day BarCamp-style free conference with a party that night. There will be free BBQ for lunch, WordPress t-shirts, and a full day of both user and developer discussion. (”BarCamp-style” is a code phrase for “last minute.”). There are still a few things to figure out, such as a venue, schedule, and other little things like that.” […]

[…] WordCamp is a day-long WordPress conference, just announced by Matt Mullenweg, that will be taking place on Saturday, August 5th in San Francisco. It is a free conference for both WordPress users and developers, done in they style of BarCamp. tags: events (T) , San Francisco (T) , WordPress (T) , Matt Mullenweg (T) , WordCamp (T) posted by Scott Beale on Monday, July 10th, 2006 Comments RSS feed | Trackback URL […]

Matt – would be glad to continue our discussion from Gnomedex on this – we actually are doing a BrainJams event with the National Coalition for Deliberation and Dialogue which has its conference that same weekend at the Parc 55, but I should be able to drop in a bit and am happy to work with you on the event design and other ideas. I have one big idea in particular which we are doing with Social Media Club that might work particularly well for you as a session in world cafe format – the value of that hour would give exponential returns for you and the rest of the WP community.

Since it is on the day of my nuptials, I will not be able to make it. However, I am sure this will be a smashing event and it would have been fun to be able to meet everyone!

[…] Save August 5th, 2006 for WordCamp in San Francisco.  The day long event will feature a free conference, BBQ for lunch, free WordPress t-shirts and a day packed with user and developer discussions.  Matt is still working out details like venue, but it promises to be a great event for the WordPress community. […]

[…] The Spur team is getting serious about our support and management of social media tools like blogs, wikis and podcasts.  We have selected WordPress as our primary weblog publishing platform and now the tool has its own conference called WordCamp.  Meet us in San Francisco on August 5th, 2006 to meet Matt and the WordPress team.  We look forward to seeing you there! […]

Matt: Street Scene is an awesome music festival down in San Diego. [link]. I just bought my ticket the day before you posted this 🙂 Ah well, such is life. Just make sure to make this a recurring event!

[…] Matt reports a WordPress Camp coming up. August 5th, 2006 is the date, here in the lovely town of San Francisco, California. The idea is a one day BarCamp-style free conference with a party that night. There will be free BBQ for lunch, WordPress t-shirts, and a full day of both user and developer discussion. (”BarCamp-style” is a code phrase for “last minute.”) […]

[…] Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of open source blogging platform WordPress, has announced WordCamp, a one-day conference for WordPress users and developers. It’s being held for the first time on August 5 in San Fancisco and is following the example of BarCamp, including “free BBQ for lunch, WordPress t-shirts, and a full day of both user and developer discussion.” According to Mullenweg, fellow WordPress developers Donncha and Podz will be on hand from Ireland and England, respectively. Having recently installed the latest version of WordPress on my personal blog and being impressed all over again, I’d love to go to WordCamp, but it probably isn’t in the cards. Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

[…] Matt Mullenweg: “The idea for an event for WordPress users has been bouncing around in my head for a long time, as there is a really interesting group of people around WP but we don’t do nearly as many face-to-face interactions as some similar projects. A set of circumstances are coming together at the beginning of August, and I think we’re going to give it a go. August 5th, 2006 is the date… The idea is a one day BarCamp-style free conference with a party that night. There will be free BBQ for lunch, WordPress t-shirts, and a full day of both user and developer discussion. (”BarCamp-style” is a code phrase for “last minute.”)” […]

[…] About a month ago, while I had Flock tunnel vision because of the release, one of my favorite softwares, WordPress — the best blogging software and service for everyone — got that much better by adding importing and exporting of your entire blog and comments on your blog. At the beginning of next month, August 5th, here in San Francisco, there will be a day full of collaboration sessions for WordPress users and developers called WordCamp. […]

[…] I’ll be trying to fill my schedule with other things, like WordCamp in San Francisco next month, a one day WordPress packed day where hopefully I’ll make some good connections, have some facetime with developers, plugin authors and theme designers. It’s a little short notice (Matt posted 2 nights ago) so I’m not really sure I can get the money together, but we’ll see how it goes. […]

[…] Soulignons que n’importe qui peut participer puisque c’est entièrement gratuit. Le but est justement que chacun puisse donner son avis. Les développeurs “officiels” pourront échanger avec des développeurs occasionnels de WordPress qui auraont répondu présents à l’invitation et écouter les remarques des simples utilisateurs. Ces derniers pourront même partager leurs propres expériences entre eux. Bref. Matt veut que cette conférence soit un lieu d’échange, de rencontre entre utilisateurs et développeurs de WordPress qui permettra de faire avancer WordPress dans la meilleure direction possible. Une fête est même organisée pour la nuit… et un barbecue le midi ! […]

[…] WordPress has long been my favorite blogging platform, and I wish I had known of this earlier so I could go. Unless I come up with an extra $3,000 over the next couple of days and get transatlantic tickets… Nevertheless I expect it to be both a fun and productive event, taking WordPress yet one more step ahead. Read more about this on Matt’s blog here. […]

I know for sure that I can’t make it in person. If I went, I wouldn’t say anything at all, I’d just listen to what others have to say. But anyway, I love WordPress and the stuff that it can do.

One request: Can we have it called something other than -Camp? Just out of principle, hehe. No un-conference sillyness either.

Not sure if I can make it yet, going to check airfare at the moment unless anyone wants to spot me a ticket from Jersey. 😛 May be working that day too come to think of it.

Erg, well, I’d love to be there so I’m going to try… good idea to have one.


I will be going to this for sure. I have been using wordpress for about a year for my personal blog. I think a user and devolper conference will be great. Cant wait to see everyone.

[…] I’m a little behind on things. Just found out that the WordPress folks are hosting a 1-day conference/event in San Francisco on August 5th. It’s a little late on the notice, but I’d really like to go if at all possible. My income is about 90% based on WordPress-related work, so it would be nice to actually meet the movers and shakers in that crowd. Gotta clear it with the girlfriend first, and see if it’s within my budget. […]

I would love to help in the coordination and stuff but I’m not sure if I can fly in to San Fransico. Air ticket is quite expensive over here in Singapore (plus the fact that I’m a student) but I would really like a WordPress T-shirt to promote WordPress.

[…] A member or two from the RMX Direct team will be down at the Word Camp 2006 ‘barcamp’ style event in San Francisco on Saturday, August 5th. This is a free, spontanenously created event where people get together, figure out what they want to hear (and talk about) as it regards a topic. In this case, the focus is “Word Press”–the leader in open source blog platforms. The exact location and time is to be announced. The list of participants is growing pretty quick. Here’s more info on Matt Mullenweg and his ideas behind WordCamp. […]

I really hope this works. I always enjoy getting over to the city. awfully close to the time of linuxworld also, if this doesnt work out on aug 5th, how hard would it be to reserve a conference room at moscone during linuxworld?

[…] Matt describes it as a BarCamp-style event (where “’BarCamp-style’ is a code phrase for ‘last minute’”) with “a full day of both user and developer discussion.” I’m just going for the free t-shirt, of course, but I can imagine a number of folks will get a good value out of the sessions and discussions that will likely run, especially all the developer stuff. […]

[…] Matt Mullenweg announced WordCamp in San Francisco, then ten days later Abby announced the LibraryThing cookout in Portland (Maine). Both are set for August 5. The LibraryThing event promises free burgers and potato salad, while WordCamp attendees will enjoy both free BBQ and free t-shirts. I’d like to go to both, but rather than have to make some decision about which one I’d most like to go to, I’m leaning on the fact that I’d already bought my flight to SFO when the LT event was announced. […]

I’m trying to buy tickets to fly in for this but I need to know what time it’s going to happen. Any ideas at all?

[…] The conference will be a 1-day event, with a party that night, and be free to anyone and everyone. We’re aiming to do it in the style of BarCamp, so the agenda will be largely determined by you guys. I’ve posted a little bit more about the ideas behind WordCamp on my blog. […]