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Deeplinks Blog

A town showing many public features (parks, transport, a library) with the backdrop of a circuit board.

Court’s Decision Upholding Disastrous Texas Social Media Law Puts The State, Rather Than Internet Users, in Control of Everyone’s Speech Online

The First Amendment and the freedom of speech and expression it provides has helped make the internet what it is today: a place for diverse communities, support networks, and forums of all stripes to share information and connect people. Individuals and groups exercise their constitutional right to host and moderate...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

تحالف دولي يطالب بالإفراج عن محمد الباقر وعلاء عبد الفتاح في ذكرى اعتقالهما الثالثة

يصادف يوم الخميس 29 سبتمبر/ أيلول 2022 مرور ثلاث سنوات على توقيف السلطات المصرية محامي حقوق الإنسان المصري محمد الباقر والكاتب البريطاني المصري والناشط المؤيد للديمقراطية علاء عبد الفتاح. بصفتنا تحالفًا عالميًا لمنظمات مجتمع مدني وأفراد، ندعو في ذكرى اعتقالهم السلطات المصرية إلى الإسقاط الفوري لجميع التهم الموجهة لهما، وإغلاق...

Study of Electronic Monitoring Smartphone Apps Confirms Advocates’ Concerns of Privacy Harms

Researchers at the University of Washington and Harvard Law School recently published a groundbreaking study analyzing the technical capabilities of 16 electronic monitoring (EM) smartphone apps used as “alternatives” to criminal and civil detention. The study, billed as the “first systematic analysis of the electronic monitoring apps ecosystem,” confirmed...


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