National Advocacy Archive

Find testimony, comments, letters, and legal briefs the American Lung Association has submitted to Congress and federal agencies in support of our public policy agenda.

Sep 22, 2022

American Lung Association Letter to Congress on Permitting Legislation

Sep 13, 2022

Health Partner Letter to HHS on Patient Priorities for the Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters

Sep 06, 2022

American Lung Association Letter to Senate EPW Committee on Wildfire Bills

Sep 06, 2022

Letter from Health Groups to Senate EPW Committee on RPM Act

Aug 31, 2022

Health Partner Comments re Washington Medicaid Transformation Project Renewal Waiver

Aug 24, 2022

Health and Medical Groups Comments to CMS re PFS Pulmonary/Cardiac Rehab

Aug 08, 2022

Patient Community Letter to Congress re Inflation Reduction Act

Aug 04, 2022

Letter from 14 National Health and Medical Organizations to EPA on Cleaner Cars Standards

Aug 02, 2022

Health group comments in support of California clean trucks waivers

Aug 02, 2022

Health Professionals Letter to FDA re: Proposed Rules on Ending the Sale of Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

Asthma Educator Institute
, | Jul 11, 2022
Freedom From Smoking Clinic
Rochester, NY | Sep 16, 2022