5 Ways to Protect the Air Quality in Your Child's School

Healthy air in school can protect your child's growing lungs. These steps can make sure that air in your child's school is safe and healthy for children and adults alike.

1. Encourage your schools and district to adopt programs designed to maintain good indoor air quality.

The most important player in protecting students at school is the school itself. School administrators and facilities managers across the country have taken steps that make sure their schools have clean air indoors. Learn about the tools they use that can help your local school keep the air healthy for your children.

2. Know if there's a problem

Are you concerned about the quality of air in your local school? Learn the signs and symptoms that can indicate unhealthy air. Learn how to identify problems and solutions and find out what to do if an indoor air emergency occurs. 

3. Make school property tobacco-free

Schools grounds, facilities, vehicles and sponsored events should be tobacco-free. Smoking cessation services should be provided for students and staff. Get more information on these school policy recommendations, which are part of the  Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative.

4. Adopt school bus anti-idling programs

Although school buses operate outdoors, the fumes they produce can quickly spread indoors. As children or others open school doors, or as intake systems draw in fresh air, diesel exhaust can move indoors. The fumes can endanger the health of everyone inside. School policies that limit school bus idling can cut the pollution coming indoors, while also saving money on fuel. For more information, go to the National Idle-Reduction Campaign, a part of the EPA's Clean School Bus USA program.

5. Take action

Join the American Lung Association in the fight for healthy air

Page last updated: July 13, 2020

Asthma Educator Institute
, | Jul 11, 2022
Freedom From Smoking Clinic
Rochester, NY | Sep 16, 2022