The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) shut down its activities in December 2020 at the end of its mandate. The administrative closure of the Centre was completed in November 2021.

Assets transferred to Strategic Partners

On the announcement of its closure, CTA received requests from several organisations to continue its activities. In accordance with a legacy plan approved by its Executive Board, CTA transferred a number of its assets to its key strategic partners. These organisations showed committed leadership, engaged partners and strong institutional and financial support to build on the legacy assets and continue the programmes. Details of these assets is shown below.

Assets held by Project Partners

In the implementation of most of its programmes, CTA has partnered with a large number of organisations through cost-sharing or grant contracts. The contracts placed ownership of intellectual assets in the hands of partners upon project completion. These assets are mainly project-related information products and IT based applications (including mobile apps).

Archived Assets handed over to the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS)

CTA’s web site ( is a rich resource of articles, blogs and portals on specific topics, professional networks and social media accounts that have been archived and transferred to OACPS for safe keeping. The static versions will remain accessible for five years.

Preserving CTA's legacy


Continuing CTA's legacy


Knowledge management

CTA has accumulated almost four decades’ worth of institutional knowledge on the challenges, context and opportunities that exist for smallholder farmers, which has allowed for the development of training and capacity-building processes.

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Chefs for Development

CTA has supported chefs to act as agents of development and ambassadors of local cuisine and sustainable farming and sourcing practices, particularly in the Pacific and Caribbean, which rely heavily on tourism, including agri-tourism.

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A 35-year legacy of agricultural knowledge

Over 35 years, CTA accumulated more than 5,000 items of agricultural knowledge in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, which will be preserved and available through CABI.

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AgriHack Talent

The AgriHack Talent initiative aimed to support ICT innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture in African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries. It targeted young entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35 years old. The project was a cornerstone of CTA’s focus on enabling youth involvement in agriculture...

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Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground

CTA helped drive the expansion of digitalisation in Africa’s agriculture by training and supporting 38 rapidly expanding, youth-led enterprises offering drone-based services such as crop health monitoring and precision agriculture.

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Digital agriculture knowledge assets

CTA helped drive the agenda for digitalisation for development, supporting new technologies, farmer profiling and training as well as monitoring the uptake of digital tools in a flagship report, the Digitalisation of African Agriculture.

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VALUE4HER project supported women-led agribusinesses in Africa. The initiative worked to help women agripreneurs overcome barriers and facilitate access to competitive markets, for example through training and help in acquiring funding.

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Experience Capitalization

Capitalizing on experiences for greater impact in rural development was a large-grant project, which was supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and agreed with CTA in March 2016. It was implemented together with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and th...

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Project Completion Reports and Joint Impact Assessments

View all project completion and impact assessment reports