
  • Member Since: November 6th, 2020
  • Location: Venezuela
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Entusiasta del diseño web con WordPress y fiel seguidor de su comunidad. Ingeniero en computación, mi primer computador tenía procesador 8086 con un disco duro de 10Mb, mis primeras líneas de código fueron en Basic bajo MS-DOS v.2.11 y lo guardé en mi “pendrive” de 5 1/4” con capacidad de almacenamiento de 360 Kb. Sígueme en Twitter

WordPress Origin Story

La primera vez que probé WordPress no me capturó de inmediato pues lo veía como un simple CMS dirigido más hacia los blogs. Años después un cliente quería que le desarrollara su sitio y me pidió específicamente que lo desarrollara en WordPress, el avance que tenía la versión actualizada le dio un giro de 180 grados a mi apreciación sobre este maravilloso CMS que crece cada día más. Lo que me enamoró de WordPress fue esa comunidad de colaboradores que lo mantienen en funcionamiento y actualizado.

  • Created a topic, Accessibility Error: Buttons do not have an accessible name, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, Nice plugin is lightweight and very useful…

  • Created a topic, How to Add to cart button to the bottom of products table?, on the site Forums:
    Cheers, Excellent plugin. How could I put a button to…

  • Created a topic, Not showing wholesale price, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, Excellent plugin but I have a problem, if …

  • Created a topic, Is not compatible with WPML translator plugin, on the site Forums:
    Excellent an lightweight plugin but im having an issue…

  • Posted a reply to Having an issue with the tab widget and WPML, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, Excellent work with the plugin that you develop. I have an issue with your…

  • Created a topic, Having an issue with the tab widget and WPML, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, Excellent work with the plugin that you de…

  • Posted a reply to Problema con bloque de imagen, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola @jose64 gracias por tu respuesta. Entonces el bloque no viene por defecto con un…

  • Created a topic, Problema con bloque de imagen, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Saludos, Primero que nada agradecer a los miembros de…

  • Created a topic, Vertical Alignment on Tabs Block, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, Thanks for sharing this excellent plugin, …

  • Posted a reply to Having an issue with dropdown width to stretch dropdown width, on the site Forums:
    Hi @sebastopolys, I just changed to antother plugin in the past link but i would…

  • Created a topic, Having an issue with dropdown width to stretch dropdown width, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, I'm having an issue adding the megamenu wit…

  • Posted a reply to Full width not workin on elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cteduard, Yes, you right thanks for saying the paddings/margins I checked and Elementor is…

  • Posted a reply to Full width not workin on elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cteduard, Thanks for your quick response, as you can see on the screenshots below…

  • Created a topic, Full width not workin on elementor, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, Hi, excellent theme i have an issue with …

  • Created a topic, After install the plugin, now i can’t see my post, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, i've installed your plugin in my site but a…

  • Posted a reply to Nothing gets added to cart, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, i have the same issue as you can see in the screenshots below…

  • Created a topic, the plugin stopped working, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, thanks for share this excellent plugin, i w…

  • Posted a reply to Tax notice on dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, I was busy and had not reviewed the answer. The problem is already solved,…

  • Posted a reply to Tax notice on dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Greetings, thanks for your reply. ### WordPress Environment ### WordPress address (URL): Site…

  • Created a topic, Tax notice on dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Yesterday I updated woocommerce and I get this notice.…