Patient talking with his therapist

Theories of Psychology

Understand the intricacies to the science of the mind. Learn how the many branches of psychology differ from one another and how and where they overlap.
person walking a trail on the side of a mountain with grass
What Is Existentialism?
African mid woman using smartphone at home
What Is the HEXACO Personality Test?
 Hand of man pointing remote control at working television screen
What Is Cultivation Theory in Media Psychology?
What is gender constancy?
Understanding How Children Learn About Gender
Two hands connected in heaven
The Science and Research Behind Near-Death Experiences
An individual therapy session.
How Different Branches of Psychology Study the Brain and Behavior
Woman with daughter on her shoulders
What to Know About Nature vs. Nurture
List of mental disorders
Explore a List of Psychological Disorders From the DSM-5
Sigmund Freud In Home Office At Desk
How Studying the Id Helps Us Understand Our Dark Side
Industrial-organizational psychology
How Industrial-Organizational Psychology Helps Improve Workplaces
man and woman looking at trinkets while traveling
Psychology Explains How Cultural Differences Influence Human Behavior
Young people
Community Psychology Explains How Individuals Relate to Society
Great man leadership theories
How Does the Great Man Theory of Leadership Hold Up?
situational leadership
Why the Most Effective Leaders Know How to Adapt to the Situation
psychologist talking to woman
How Priming Affects the Psychology of Memory
A boy who has learned optimism
How Learned Optimism Can Improve Your Life
Public Restroom Sign
How Cultural Norms Influence Behavior and Gender Value
A woman and a dog wearing sunglasses
The History of Comparative Psychology With Animals
A clinical psychologist with clients
How Clinical Psychology Is Used to Treat Mental Illness
Exploring a psychology theory
How Theories Are Used in Psychology
Health Psychology
How Health Psychology Can Help You Live a Better Life
Forensic psychology
A Brief Overview of the Field of Forensic Psychology
Woman designing something on a computer
What Does a Human Factors Psychologist Do?
traits associated with great leadership
Do Great Leaders Share Certain Traits? See What the Research Says
Business People Listening to the Speaker at a Conference
Why Do Some People Become Great Leaders?
Women taking pictures together on beach
Can Positive Psychology Really Help You Lead a Happy Life?
woman crying while on laptop
How Does the James-Lange Theory Account for Emotions?
Imprinting is an example of an instinct
How Instincts and Our Experiences Can Influence Behavior
Arousal theory explains why people seek thrilling activities.
The Arousal Theory and Our Individual Behaviors
Hull's drive-reductions theory
How Does Drive Reduction Theory Explain Human Motivation?
Cheese in the middle of a wooden maze
The Incentive Theory of Motivation Explains How Rewards Drive Actions
Sports psychology and athletics
An Overview of Sports Psychology
Consumer psychologists study buying behavior
What Is Consumer Psychology?
Self-determined man
How Does Self-Determination Theory Explain Motivation?
A therapist taking notes as a client talks about her problems.
How Psychologists Define and Study Abnormal Behavior
Are You Looking for a Top-Ranked Psychology Program?
Zeigarnik Effect
The Zeigarnik Effect Is Why You Keep Thinking of Unfinished Work
Social constructs
Why People Make Social Constructs and How They Can Change
Caring man comforting upset wife after fight
What Is a Projection Defense Mechanism?
What Is Anal Personality?
What Is an Anal Personality?
Group of people having a conversation.
How Social Facilitation Can Improve Your Performance
Client talking during psychotherapy session
What to Know About Defense Mechanisms
children drinking soda
Is There a Link Between Soft Drinks and Aggression In Children?
Conduct disorder is a mental health condition.
Conduct Disorder in Children Can Cause Serious Behavior Problems
5 Surprising Ways to Increase Motivation
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
How Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Explains Human Motivation
Woman making decisions in meeting
9 Little Habits That Make You a Better Decision Maker
young boy covering mouth as hand tries to feed him broccoli on fork
The Role of Classical Conditioning in Taste Aversions
Man and woman having conversation on a couch
How to Read Body Language and Facial Expressions
Couple kissing at night
How the Health Belief Model Influences Your Health Choices
Cropped Hand Of Man Feeding Dog
How Classical Conditioning Works, With Examples
Cat exhibiting conditioned response
Role of a Conditioned Response in the Classical Conditioning Process
doctor testing child's knee reflexes with rubber hammer
What's an Unconditioned Response in Psychology?
Mother talking to a moody teenager
How to Choose the Best Treatment Program for a Teen
woman cutting onion on kitchen counter
See How an Unconditioned Stimulus Can Create a Learned Response
close up of a handsome young businessman driving car
Factors That Affect Risk-Taking Behavior
woman shaking the paw of a golden retriever
How Is Extinction Defined in Psychology?
a man looking at his phone and computer on a windowsill
How Do Variable-Interval Schedules Influence Behavior?
Mother talking to her daughter on the floor
How Secondary Reinforcement Helps Condition Behavior
What is holism illustration?
How Holism Can Help Us Understand Behavior