Making a Check Donation to GiveWell

Thanks for your interest in donating to GiveWell!

You can direct your donation to our Top Charities Fund (we updated the name of this fund in September 2022, more information here), the All Grants Fund, unrestricted support, or one or more of our top charities.

Please complete our donation form below prior to making your donation. Doing so will:

  • enable us to match your contact information with the checks we receive and send you a receipt;
  • allow you to specify your preference for how we allocate your donation; and
  • reduce the administrative cost associated with processing your donation.

Donations received without an accompanying donation form submission or identifying information on the physical check will be treated as anonymous donations to our unrestricted fund, which we may use to either support our operating expenses (most likely) or grant out to charities at our discretion.

Checks can be made out to GiveWell and mailed to:

1714 Franklin Street #100335
Oakland, CA 94612

Please note that donations to GiveWell are irrevocable in most cases and donor requests to grant donations to our recommended charities are subject to our approval (more details on GiveWell's approval process here).

If you have any questions about how to donate via check, please email us at before making your donation.

Donation form

If you would prefer to print and mail our check donation form, you can use
this donation form (Microsoft Word version here).