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Last Updated on February 26, 2020

Your Voice

You - patients and their families - are at the heart of what we do here at the Preeclampsia Foundation. As a patient-centered community, we work to help bring lived experiences to the providers and researchers creating change in the medical field

Strength In Numbers

As recent national data from the Centers for Disease Control has shown, maternal deaths are on the rise here in the United States. Maternal complications of pregnancy have few dedicated charities like the Preeclampsia Foundation to represent the voices of women and their families who have been affected, but we knew that their combined voices could be mighty

Enter MoMMA's Voices

What was needed was a united voice of maternal health advocates - both organizations and individuals - who can tell those “lived experiences” to improve care and help other patients. To bring these voices together, the Preeclampsia Foundation spearheaded the MoMMA’s Voices Coalition to do just that.As a proud inaugural member of the MoMMA’s Voices Executive Council along with 2020Mom, AFE Foundation, Black Women’s Health Imperative, Every Mother Counts, National Accreta Foundation, Shades of Blue Project, our goal is to work with other partner organizations focused on maternal health to bring the underrepresented patient perspective to healthcare policy, media, professional medical societies, and other agenda-setting conversations.

Get Involved

Your experience can make a difference and we are here to help you make it happen through THREE steps:

  • Train and support patient advocates through in-person and virtual training opportunities to share their lived experience effectively like our in-person Summit.  

  • Match-make qualified, trained patient representatives with states and hospitals working toward quality improvement initiatives to improve healthcare for all moms and their babies. 

  • Advocate on a local and national level for programs that support healthy moms and healthy babies. 

Visit to learn more about adding your voice to change for patients like you!

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