Drupal distributions

Distributions are full copies of Drupal that include Drupal Core, along with additional software such as themes, modules, libraries, and installation profiles. There are two main types of Drupal distributions:

  • Full-featured distributions: complete solutions for specialized use cases.
  • Other distributions: quick-start tools, starting points for developers and site builders.

Below is documentation for just a few of the many Drupal distributions available.

Creating distributions

Developing Drupal installation profiles and distributions.

Cappuccino Starter Kit

This documentation guide provides information about the installation and basic usage of the Cappuccino distribution.

Conference Organizing Distribution

Conference Organizing Distribution main documentation for event, sponsor, program.


deGov is the first Drupal 8 distribution focusing on the needs of (German) governmental organisations.


A Drupal distribution pre-configured to enhance a Drupal application's security and availability to meet enterprise security requirements.

Niobi Research Center

Guide to the core modules of Niobi Research Center, and setting up a Niobi multisite.

Open Social

In this Documentation guide for Open Social you will find answers to all your support, installation, and contribution questions.


A distribution for professional publishing by Hubert Burda Media.


Documentation for Varbase - a Drupal 9 distribution.


Droopler - Drupal for corporate websites.

Guide maintainers

eojthebrave's picture
japerry's picture