Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.
A general project is anything that is not a module, theme, or other more-specific project type that is managed on This could include; JavaScript components, Drush extensions, and PHP libraries.
Composer plugin that provides support for drupal/acsf
Drupal 10 readiness testing for contributes projects.
Test projects to try and run gitlabci scripts for drupal core
This project exists to hold documentation and development code from the Distributions and Recipes initiative.
Work is happening in this project in contrib, so rapid iteration can happen. Once complete, it can then be worked into Drupal core.
A preconfigured Docksal setup for Investis Digital contribution days.
With the necessary tools installed, it's now possible to create a new environment with the necessary tools setup.
fin project create --name=drupal-contrib
Before you install this repo, you'll need to have Docker and Docksal installed
The Swoole module for Drupal supercharges your website's performance by serving it via the Swoole or the OpenSwoole PHP server. Both are PHP extensions. The (Open)Swoole PHP server boots Drupal once, keeps it in memory and then feeds it requests at supersonic speeds.
The Swoole module for Drupal is to be installed with composer:
The VOTE! Module is a JS-based plugin for user votings. Any content entity like Nodes, taxonomy terms, paragraphs, media entities, custom entities, etc. may receive customizable voting widgets. One or more individual voting types can be attached and evaluated for each entity type and bundle.
The module enables optimal page and data caching, which is even compatible with static page caching (e.g. Tome).
Removes the unnecessary files for the specific package based on the given rules.
Be careful: This plugin removes packages files. Test defined rules properly. Remove only those files which are totally unnecessary for the project needs.
Require this package in your composer.json
Cacheable types that make it hard to do it wrong. See README.
Use to magically redirect to common URL's. It is spiritual successor to which had several issues and many weeks of downtime in the beginning of 2022.
Use to magically redirect to common URL's. Use this project to report bugs or issues with or to request a new feature.
WissKI Docker Image
These are the build files of the example WissKI available under rnsrk/wisski_example. If you just want to run a example WissKI in a Docker container, follow the steps at "Run WissKI example in Docker container", otherwise adjust the config files to build your own Docker image of a WissKI environment. The Dockerfile installs: