News & events

Special General Assembly- February 25th, 2022

On Friday, February 25th at 5:00 pm EST, a Special General Assembly (11.5 of the constitution) held to vote on extending/not extending the strikeThe anonymous voting platform will be open until February 27th at 10 pm.

Special General Assembly- January 25th, 2022

On Tuesday, January 25th at 4:30 – 5:30 pm EST, a Special General Assembly (11.5 of the constitution) will be held to vote on extending the strike of January 24th-25th. All students, staff, and faculty in Education are welcome to attend, voice their opinions, and share their recommendations. The agenda is here. The zoom link to join the assembly is here.


A student-led strike- January 24-25, 2022

EGSS is endorsing a student-led strike for graduate education students! On January 24-25, graduate education students are encouraged to participate in the strike by not attending in-person classes. The strike vote on this resolution from two students was announced on January 19th. To date, 168 students have voted, with 86.3% in support of the strike.

If you have questions or concerns, or if you want to join the strike committee, please contact EGSS or the strike committee co-organizers: and

Help spread the word about the strike! Post on twitter, message your classmates, tell your professors. Publicity is part of what will get us safer learning conditions.


New Year’s Party -Dec. 31st, 2021

In light of the Covid situation,VP Student Life, Jen is hosting an impromptu online party for the New Year’s Eve, on Dec. 31st, at 6 PM (US/Canada-Pacific Time). Come dressed in cozy clothes .  
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 2429 2210Passcode: 966963One tap mobile+16475580588,,82624292210# Canada+17789072071,,82624292210# Canada


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