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COVID Information - 2022/23 School Year

The guidance provided on these pages is adapted from the California Department of Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools, 2022-23 School Year.

In addition to state-level guidance, NVUSD frequently consults with Napa County Public Health regarding the interpretation and application of these guidelines. As stated in the Guidance for K-12 Schools, “stricter guidance may be issued by local public health officials or other authorities.”

Protocols for Exposure in K-12 Setting

Click the links below or scroll down to find our COVID-19 exposure protocols.


Click the links below or scroll down to find our COVID-19 exposure protocols.

Q: What symptoms should I look for before sending my student to school? 
A: Read the Home-Based Health Screening guidelines: ENGLISH and SPANISH.

Q: What if my child tests positive or is showing signs of COVID-19?
A: If your student tests positive on either test, they must isolate. If, after five days, they receive a negative COVID-19 test (Rapid Antigen test recommended) AND have had no fever without taking fever-reducing medications for more than 24 hours and symptoms have improved, they may return to school on day six and should wear a well-fitted mask around others until the end of day ten. Without a negative COVID-19 test, they must be isolated for ten days after the positive test date or the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. CDPH guidelines at this time do not require a negative test to return to school for those that isolate for ten days. You can find all of our protocols for vaccinated and unvaccinated students in the flow charts below.

Q: Where do I report the result if my student has a positive COVID-19 test? 
A: Report any positive test results to your student’s school. Here is a list of the contact information for our schools.

Q: After testing positive, and isolating for five days, if my student plans to return, what is the protocol for providing the negative test result?

A: Please provide your school with a copy of the negative test result after day five.

Q: Will masks be required? 
A: No, NVUSD is lifting the indoor mask mandate for all schools and district offices to align with new state and county guidelines. Recently, the State of California issued new guidance regarding its indoor masking mandate for K-12 schools, moving from a requirement to a "strong recommendation" to mask in indoor school settings on March 12.

Any students or staff members wishing to continue wearing a mask indoors as recommended are absolutely encouraged to do so. We expect our community to respect everyone’s personal decisions. In addition, the district's COVID mitigation protocols will remain in effect and all measures including ventilation, cleaning, and testing will continue. School districts also retain the ability to reinstate masking requirements if public health conditions change.

Q: Will proof of vaccination be required for students who are eligible to receive one?
A: At this point, the district will not require proof of vaccination for eligible students. Parents that would like to share their students' proof of vaccination are encouraged to do so.  You can email or drop off a copy of your student's vaccination card in the front office of their school.  

Q: Will classrooms be sanitized daily? 
A: Yes, custodial staff will follow cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting procedures once per day.

Q: Are the on-campus sanitization stations available on campus? 
A: There will be hand sanitizer stations in classrooms and outdoors throughout each campus.

Q: Are parents or outside visitors allowed on campus? 
A: School sites will be limiting visitors to campuses; please call the office before arriving in person at a school site. 

Q: What are the benefits of being fully vaccinated for students in school?
A: COVID 19 vaccines are effective. They decrease the chances of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.  COVID-19 vaccines help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19.  Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, particularly people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Fully vaccinated students may remain in school and avoid interruptions to in-person education, even if they are exposed to someone with COVID-19, so long as they remain without symptoms.  Also, fully vaccinated students are not recommended to participate in screening testing at school.

Q: Do masks need to be worn on school buses?
A: No.  School buses serving K-12 populations are considered a school setting and accordingly, after March 11, 2022, the following CDC statement regarding the Requirement for Face Masks on Public Transportation will be relevant in California: “CDC is exercising its enforcement discretion to not require that people wear masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems … CDC plans to amend its Mask Order as soon as practicable to not require that people wear masks while outdoors on conveyances or while outdoors on the premises of transportation hubs, and to not require that people wear masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems.”

Remember, state requirements and recommendations are subject to change, and local health agencies and/or educational authorities may have additional requirements beyond state and federal requirements.

When practicable and safe, CDPH recommends optimizing air quality on school buses by opening windows to create more ventilation.

Q. I am an employee, and I was notified in writing by Human Resources that I was exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace. I have followed all guidance and have worn my mask in the workplace and have tested 3 to 5 days after exposure as required. My test result has come back negative - may I remove my mask now?

A.  No. Napa County Public Health requires that you wear your mask in the workplace for 10 days after exposure, even if you tested negative.

Q. I was wearing my mask during a staff meeting, and then received a written notification that I was exposed to COVID-19 and I now need to wear my mask for ten days. I was wearing my mask at the meeting, so is this required?

A. Yes - you are still required to mask for 10 days based on the last date of exposure to the positive case.


Inside K-12 School Setting flowchart for all students

Outside of k-12 Setting: Protocols for Isolation and Exporsures

Fuera Del Entorno k-12: Protocolos de Aislamient & Exposiciones