Maximise your charitable impact

Giving What We Can is a community of effective givers. We provide the support, community, and information you need to do the most good with your charitable donations.

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Learn how to give more effectively

We have created a guide full of practical advice from effective giving experts to help you do more good with your donations.

This guide answers key questions about effective giving and includes expert recommendations so that you can be even more impactful with your donations across a wide range of causes.

What we do

Illustration of a person looking at the starts

Our resources

We provide information and expert advice to help you pick important causes and find high-impact charities.

Illustration of a globe

Our community

We are a community of 8,513 people who are united by our passion for creating a better world. We support each other in giving more effectively and would love you to join us.

Illustration of a ruler to measure length

Our pledges

You can do even more good by taking a public pledge than you might by donating on your own. A pledge helps us to live up to our values and inspires others.

We’ve identified 4 high-impact causes to do the most good

Our research has identified 4 cause areas that provide especially promising opportunities to do good.

Group of school kids laughing

Global Health & Development

Improving (and saving) the lives of people in low-income countries

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Group of happy pigs

Improving Animal Welfare

Reduce animal suffering in factory farms and protect animals living in the wild

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A family watching the sunset

Safeguarding the long-term future

Prevent global catastrophies & make our world more resilient to existential threats

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Speaker at a conferece advocating for effective altrusim

Advocating for effective altruism

Grow our community, develop new ideas and inspire others to do more & do better

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We are a growing global community with real impact.

Giving What We Can members on a World Map
Lifetime pledges
$291 million
$2.96 billion
Pledged donations

How rich are you?

You'll be amazed at how you compare to the world, and how much impact your donations could have

For currency and cost of living
Total household income after tax