Join the movement to end the stigma   Donate

Our Mission

Provide resources to families and support for women suffering from perinatal mood disorders

Share Your Story

 Your stories can have a big impact for women who are struggling.

How can you help?

If you are interested in volunteering your time or talents to our organization, please reach out to us.


Emily’s Effect: A Stiry Story

For the past five years, Emily’s story has helped countless moms and families realize that they aren’t alone in their mental health struggles. Our resolve to share her story has only increased with the passing of time. Now more than ever, moms everywhere need to feel validation and connection as they navigate their own motherhood journeys. We need your help to make sure EVERY mom can look at their own stories through new eyes by watching Emily’s story!

Good Things Utah – How The Emily Effect Supports Women Struggling Postpartum

Executive director Megan Johnson with The Emily Effect and Founder of Stiry Dan Davis stopped by to tell us all about The Emily Effect Film. The Emily Effect mission is to provide resources to families and support for women suffering from perinatal mood disorders. In an effort to end the stigma and end the shame, they are producing real and raw stories of mothers and families who have faced these issues.

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Featured Letters of Light

  • lauren

    Before my first child was born, I was familiar with The Emily Effect foundation. After hearing about the foundation, I wanted to get it out there as much as I could. In 2016, I ran the St. George Marathon wearing an Emily Effect jersey. I was able to share with others what the foundation is […]

  • lindsay-2

    Disclaimer: The following article mentions the topic of suicide or other sensitive subjects, which may trigger negative thoughts and feelings for those currently suffering or still recovering from a mental or mood disorder. Reader discretion is advised. Looking back on my experience with postpartum depression, I had no idea it was even occurring when I […]

  • tiffany

    I experienced anxiety and postpartum depression with the birth of my fourth baby, which lasted about 9 months. I remember the ways I changed. Each morning I would try to get up and take care of everyone, but many times throughout the day I would start to cry. I would cry for about 10 minutes, […]

  • dani-bw

    Disclaimer: The following article mentions the topic of suicide or other sensitive subjects, which may trigger negative thoughts and feelings for those currently suffering or still recovering from a mental or mood disorder. Reader discretion is advised. Brave….I have learned a lot about that word and that feeling becoming a mother. Although I am brave […]

  • Anonymous

    I have four wonderful children. I experienced postpartum depression after the birth of my daughter (second child) and my youngest son (fourth child). Each time it lasted about nine months. After my daughter’s arrival, I felt like a shell of a person. I cried a lot. I will never forget the day that I walked […]

  • rachaelbw

    At my six-week checkup after the birth of my fifth child, the soft-voiced midwife asked how I was doing. Tears welled up in my eyes and poured down my cheeks. I couldn’t even begin to frame an answer to her question. How could I possibly convey the depth of agony and darkness I faced each […]