Introducing Guides:Define machine-readable EDI requirementsLearn more
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APIs for building EDI integrations

We build products for developers to solve EDI at scale. Our APIs allow you to treat EDI just like anything else: a problem to solve using your familiar tools. Our platform is what you expect from your developer tools: 100% self-service setup and 100% usage-based pricing, with a generous free-tier for development and testing.

Sign up today to start building an EDI system of your own:

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How does Stedi work?

Stedi provides individual building blocks that developers can use to build their own EDI system. For example, you can use Stedi to receive EDI files over SFTP, store them in a Bucket, and leverage Functions to invoke Stedi’s data transformation APIs like EDI Core, Mappings. And since Stedi’s APIs can be used independently, you are free to integrate these APIs with your own system, too.

HIPAA compliant

Use Stedi’s HIPAA-eligible APIs and products to build secure and compliant EDI systems that process and transmit PHI.

HIPAA Compliance

Enterprise ready

Equipped with the security features, SLAs, and scalability you need to support high volume integrations.

Fully composable

Use a single API in isolation, or in the context of a larger system — regardless if that system is Stedi or your own.

Powerful products and APIs to help you build and scale your own EDI integrations

Each product can be used independently, or in combination with other Stedi products. Use these APIs in any configuration to fit your business needs and the requirements of your trading partners. You only pay for what you use and we have generous free tiers, so there’s no need to worry about costs while you’re experimenting.


Making EDI easy to work with

EDI Core can translate any incoming EDI document into JSON, so you can work with a data format you know. As a result, you can process any data you receive, even if you’ve never worked with EDI. And if you need to send your JSON documents in EDI format, EDI Core can do that translation for you, too.

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Data in any shape you want

Chances are your business partners work with different data schemas than you do. With Mappings, that’s no longer a problem. Using our uncluttered UI, you can build a mapping definition quickly and after that, you can use the API to map data into the shape you need without extra effort.

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Provision serverless SFTP

Whether you are building an EDI solution or a B2B integration, you need a way to exchange files with your trading partners. With Stedi’s SFTP you can provision users, share credentials, and begin sending and receiving files in seconds.

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Store unlimited objects

Store any type of data, including EDI documents, on the Stedi platform. Using Stedi Buckets, you can read and write documents, access data uploaded via Stedi SFTP, and build scalable B2B workflows driven by Bucket event notifications.

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Run code to power EDI integrations

EDI integrations typically require purpose-built logic to connect the dots across various steps to create a workflow, including any combination of Stedi products and external APIs. With Stedi Functions, you can run custom code to build an end-to-end EDI flow without the hassle of provisioning or managing infrastructure.

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Key-value store for business integrations

Stash is a key-value store designed for any B2B integration or EDI workflow. You can use Stash to track transactions processed, increment control numbers, reference lookup tables, and more - all using a simple API.

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Define EDI specifications

Create machine-readable EDI requirements easily using a no-code visual interface. The output is an artifact that can be used to render static documentation, or for parsing, generating, or validating X12 EDI documents using the EDI Translate API.

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Tools and resources for working with EDI and JSON

Working with many file formats and standards can be messy, so we have built tools that help developers and integration professionals make sense of it all. They’re free to use, and are useful for both experts and beginners alike.

Full EDI Reference for X12 and EDIFACT

EDI Reference provides users with documentation on all transaction sets, segments, and elements of every X12 release, and all message types, segments and elements of every EDIFACT version.

EDI Reference

View, edit and debug EDI files

EDI can be tough to look at, so Inspector turns EDI into a format that is readable by humans. Quickly visualize and debug any X12 or EDIFACT document. Share EDI files easily with trading partners.

EDI Inspector

Experiment with JSONata expressions

Get familiar with JSONata syntax in Stedi’s playground where you can quickly edit, share, and embed examples.

JSONata Playground

Without Stedi, our EDI integration would have been incredibly painful. Every tool they offered fit perfectly into our pipeline. With the help of their superb support and engineering team, they curated a pleasant experience over a domain which begins as arcane. Their APIs are cost-effective and make plain sense.

Kevin Koza
Kevin Koza
Software Engineer at
Stedi is trusted by developers building EDI systems at startups and enterprises.
Latest Release

Store any number of key-value pairs inexpensively and securely. There are no servers, clusters, or data replication to manage.

Learn more about Stash
From the blog
What makes EDI so hard?

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange – is an umbrella term for many different “standardized” frameworks for exchanging business-to-business transactions. It dates back to the 1960s and remains a pain point in every commercial industry from supply chain and logistics to healthcare and finance. What makes it so hard? Why is it still an unsolved problem despite many decades of immense usage?

Zack Kanter
Zack Kanter
Founder & CEO
Get started

Start building your own EDI integrations

Sign up for Stedi to provision API keys and test our products for free. No more black-box solutions. Make your first API call in 5 minutes or less.

Ready-to-use APIs

All our products are built API-first, so you have access to the full suite of functionality we offer. You just need an API key to start building.

API Reference

Comprehensive documentation

Browse our detailed product guides and API reference to learn more and see examples of how to use Stedi’s products and APIs.

Hello world!

Starting from scratch can be hard, so we have built examples and tutorials to help you get started.

Velocity matters

We’re constantly deploying new features and products. Keep up with all the enhancements and launches.


There are no upfront fees, monthly commitments, or user licenses to use Stedi’s products. Only pay for what you use. Generous free tiers, so you don’t need to worry about costs while experimenting.

Early access

Our products and APIs are in various stages of availability. Reach out to the team to learn more about our roadmap and request access to products in developer preview.

Ready to dive in?

Sign up to get an API key and start building your own solution.

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We’d love to get to know you and show you around.

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Stedi is a developer-focused platform for building automated EDI solutions that integrate with any business system.

Sign up to get an API key and try Stedi’s pay-⁠per-⁠use products with generous free tiers.

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EDI CoreMappingsGuidesSFTPBucketsFunctionsStash
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