Co-founded in 1915 by Helen Keller, HKI is dedicated to ensuring that millions of vulnerable and disadvantaged children and their families receive life‑changing — and life‑saving — care. Working in 21 countries, including the United States, our teams of experts combat both the causes and consequences of blindness and low-vision, malnutrition, and preventable diseases that disproportionately impact the world’s poor.

In one year alone, HKI's programs provided:

  • 54 million children in sub‑Saharan Africa with high‑dosage vitamin A supplements to ensure they have good vision and health
  • 66 million people with treatments to prevent blinding and disfiguring diseases, such as trachoma, lymphatic filariasis, and river blindness
  • 1.25 million families in Africa and Asia with the tools and training they need to grow more nutritious foods
  • 66,600 students living in disadvantaged U.S. neighborhoods with vision exams, and 15,440 with prescription eyeglasses

Maximizing Your Gift

Of every dollar we spend, 84.8 cents goes to helping save the sight and lives of vulnerable children and their families.

“HKI...gets more bang for the buck than almost any group I can think of.”

— Nicholas Kristof

Helen Keller International has been awarded a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the premier charity evaluator, for five consecutive years — ranking us among the top U.S. charities for financial health, accountability and transparency.

Occasionally, HKI exchanges names with other like-minded organizations. You may request at any time that your name not be shared. Privacy Statement

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I want to prevent blindness and save lives with a gift of:

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What is this?

Helen Keller International has been awarded a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the premier charity evaluator, for four consecutive years — ranking us among the top U.S. charities for financial health, accountability and transparency.

Occasionally, HKI exchanges names with other like-minded organizations. You may request at any time that your name not be shared. Privacy Statement