Program nameDescription of programHave we recommended one or more grants to support this program?If we haven't recommended grants to support this program, why not?Current status
Bridges to ProsperityBuilding footbridges in rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America to connect isolated households to schools, health clinics, and markets. (More)Yes, we recommended a grant to Bridges to Prosperity in May 2022 (more).- Actively supporting
Combined protocol community-based management of acute malnutritionIdentifying and treating uncomplicated cases of both severe acute malnutrition and moderate acute malnutrition on an outpatient basis. (More)Yes, we recommended grants to ALIMA in January 2021 (more) and May 2021 (to be published).-Actively supporting
Conditional cash transfers to increase infant vaccination as run by New IncentivesProviding cash transfers to caregivers who bring their infants to receive routine vaccinations, along with outreach to encourage vaccination and efforts to ensure vaccines are available in clinics. (More on the program; more on the evidence)Yes, ongoing support to top charity New Incentives (more)-Actively supporting
Deworming (mass drug administration targeting schistosomiasis and/or soil-transmitted helminths)Treating all school-aged children with anti-parasitic drugs in areas at risk for schistosomiasis and/or soil-transmitted helminths once or twice per year. (More)Yes, ongoing support. We have made grants to Evidence Action's Deworm the World Initiative (more), SCI Foundation (more), Sightsavers' deworming program (more), and the END Fund's deworming program (more)-Actively supporting
Electronic immunization registry and mobile-based conditional cash transfers to increase vaccination as run by IRD GlobalProviding conditional cash transfers using a mobile phone-based platform to incentivize infant immunization in seven high-risk/low-immunization districts in Sindh Province, Pakistan. (More)Yes, we recommended a grant to IRD Global in October 2021 (more).-Actively supporting
Iron fortificationMass fortification of staple foods, such as wheat flour, to reduce iron deficiency. (More)Yes, we recommended a grant to Fortify Health in 2018 (more), 2019 (more), and 2022 (more). We recognized Food Fortification Initiative (more) and Project Healthy Children (more) as GiveWell standout charities before GiveWell retired that designation.-Actively supporting
Iron supplementation for school-age childrenDistributing iron supplements to school-age children to prevent anemia. (More)Yes, we recommended grants to Evidence Action Beta (now called Evidence Action Accelerator) in December 2018 (more) and March 2018 (more)-Actively supporting
Mass distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated netsGiving long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) to everyone in areas at risk of malaria, generally every three years. (More)Yes, ongoing support to top charity Against Malaria Foundation (more). We also made a grant to Malaria Consortium in 2021 (more).-Actively supporting
Seasonal malaria chemopreventionGiving children under the age of 5 courses of malaria treatment monthly during the annual period of highest malaria transmission. (More)Yes, ongoing support to top charity Malaria Consortium (more)-Actively supporting
Syphilis screening and treatment during pregnancy Providing rapid point-of-care testing and treatment of syphilis during pregnancy to prevent the complications of syphilis infection for the child and mother. (More)Yes, we recommended a grant to Evidence Action in 2020 (more).-Actively supporting
Vitamin A supplementation Treating all children aged approximately 6-months to 5-years in areas at high-risk for vitamin A deficiency with high-dose vitamin A supplements two or three times per year. (More)Yes, ongoing support to top charity Helen Keller International's Vitamin A supplementation program (more)-Actively supporting
Water quality interventionsRemoving or disabling pathogens in water (through, for example, filtration or chlorination) in order to prevent waterborne disease, particularly diarrheal disease (more)Yes, in January 2022 we made a grant of up to $64.7 million to Evidence Action's Dispensers for Safe Water. We will be publishing a grant page soon (more).Actively supporting
Breastfeeding promotionEncouraging mothers to increase breastfeeding exclusivity and duration. (More)NoThis program appears promising. We plan to conduct additional research to better understand its evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Cash transfersGiving cash grants to poor people in low-income countries. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We supported GiveDirectly from 2012-2022 (more). We are not prioritizing further grants due to relatively low cost-effectiveness.We plan to conduct additional research, especially regarding the potential positive spillover effects of the program. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Chlorhexidine for umbilical cord careApplying chlorhexidine, a widely-used topical antiseptic, to the newborn umbilical cord stump after birth to prevent infection and resulting neonatal death. (More)NoThis program appears promising in some circumstances and we plan to conduct additional research. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Community-based intervention packages to reduce maternal and neonatal mortalityProviding various interventions to women during and after pregnancy and to newborns via community outreach workers, for example keeping newborns warm immediately after birth, promoting and assisting with breastfeeding, providing vitamin K to newborns, and referring sick infants to clinics. (More)NoThis program appears promising. We plan to conduct additional research to better understand the evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of specific interventions within this category. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Eyeglasses to improve workers' manual dexterityProviding free or subsidized eyeglasses to workers whose productivity depends on their manual dexterity. (More)NoThis program appears promising. We plan to continue our investigation. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Facility-based maternal and neonatal health interventions Providing training to health workers to deliver a package of maternal and neonatal health interventions in health facilities during and following birth, up to discharge. (More)NoThis program appears promising, and we are investigating funding opportunities. Because we are highly uncertain about the effectiveness of specific programs conducted by charities, we may consider including an evaluation of any program to which we recommend a grant. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Intensive breastfeeding promotion as run by Alive & ThriveDelivering a package of infant and young child feeding interventions focused on breastfeeding promotion and support, including face-to-face counseling, community mobilization, and mass media communications. (More)NoThis program appears promising. We plan to conduct additional research to better understand its evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) for malaria Providing preventive antimalarial medicine to children aged 1-15 months at routine vaccination visits. (More)Yes, we recommended a scoping grant to Malaria Consortium and PATH in 2021 (more)- Further work planned
Mass distribution of azithromycin to reduce child mortalityProviding an antibiotic to all children in a certain age range once or twice per year. (More)NoOur review of this program found that the program may be within the range of cost-effectiveness of programs we would consider directing funding to. We plan to do more work to understand whether there are implementation opportunities and whether these mitigate risks of antimicrobial resistance.Further work planned
Probiotic supplementation for preterm newborns Providing probiotic supplements to low-birth-weight or preterm newborns to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and sepsis. (More)NoThis program appears promising. We plan to do more work to understand whether there are implementation opportunities. See our review of this program.Further work planned
Sayana® Press Providing an injectable contraceptive in a prefilled single-use package, intended to be easy for community health workers or recipients themselves to administer. (More)NoThis program appears promising, and we plan to conduct additional research. See our review of this program.Further work planned
SMS reminders for immunization Sending Short Message Service (SMS) messages to caregivers' cell phones to remind them of young children's upcoming vaccination dates. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We previously recommended grants to Charity Science Health. (More)See our review of this program and discussion of our exit grant to Charity Science Health. We plan to conduct additional research to better understand the evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of this program.Further work planned
Attractive toxic sugar baits for malaria controlReducing mosquito populations with mixtures of sugar and substances that are lethal to mosquitoes, in order to reduce malaria transmission.NoWe have deprioritized due to lack of evidence but expect new evidence to be available in the future. See our short note on this program.Revisit after 2021
Community health promoters as run by Living GoodsSelling health and household goods door-to-door and providing basic health counseling. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We recognized Living Goods as a GiveWell standout charity before GiveWell retired that designation (more).We are aware of an ongoing randomized controlled trial that measures the effect of Living Goods’ program at a larger scale. We plan to revisit this program once the results from the larger-scale trial are available. See our review of this program.Revisit after 2021
Community salt substitutionReplacement of normal table salt with a salt substitute, in which potassium chloride replaces a portion of the sodium chloride, for all members of a community (More)NoOur best guess is that community salt substitution is not as cost-effective as programs we would consider directing funding to. We plan to revisit when the findings of the Salt Substitute and Stroke Study are published. See our review of this program.Revisit after 2021
Eave tubes to control malariaInstalling tubes with insecticide-treated netting into the space between the roof and walls of a house, to kill mosquitoes as they enter or exit.NoWe have deprioritized due to lack of evidence but expect new evidence to be available in the future. See our short note on this program.Revisit after 2021
Educate! Experience programMentoring students in their last two years of secondary school, with a focus on developing leadership, preparing to enter the workforce, and entrepreneurship skills.NoWe have deprioritized due to lack of evidence but expect new evidence to be available in the future. See our short note on this program.Revisit after 2021
Electronic partogramAssisting health facilities to switch from paper-based to electronic partograms for tracking and managing care for women during labor.NoWe have deprioritized due to lack of evidence but expect new evidence to be available in the future. See our short note on this programRevisit after 2021
HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancerProviding HPV vaccinations to girls aged 9 to 14, in order to prevent cervical cancer. (More)NoAfter a limited investigation, we believe there are probably not substantial funding gaps in HPV vaccination as of 2020. As of 2020, demand for HPV vaccine doses exceeds supply, and we believe it will take several years for industry to substantially increase production of HPV vaccines. See our review of this program.Revisit after 2021
Post-discharge malaria chemoprevention (PMC) for children with severe anemiaProviding antimalarials to children who have been treated in hospitals for severe anemia, after they have been discharged.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program due to our impression that there will be limited funding opportunities. However, our understanding is that WHO may be considering guidance on PMC in the near future, which may open up funding opportunities. See our short note on this program.Revisit after 2021
Vouchers for water treatmentOffering vouchers for free bottles of chlorine treatment to disinfect drinking water.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program because we are currently prioritizing other water chlorination programs that we think have more immediate funding opportunities. We expect to revisit this program once we have investigated these other water chlorination programs. See our short note on this program.Revisit after 2021
Antenatal corticosteroids for pregnant women at risk of preterm birthAdministering antenatal corticosteroids to women between 24 weeks and 34 weeks of gestation who are at risk of preterm birth to reduce the risk of adverse newborn outcomes.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our uncertainty about the differing results reported by previous trials and our concern about the potential for harmful effects. See our short note on this program. We plan to revisit once evidence is available from an ongoing trial.Revisit in 2024
Antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV/AIDSTreating people living with HIV with antiretroviral drugs on an ongoing basis to reduce illness and extend life. (More)NoOur best guess is that this program is below the level of cost-effectiveness of programs that we would consider directing funding to. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Artemisia teaTreating malaria with a tea made from Artemisia plants.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Aspirin for cardiovascular disease preventionProviding aspirin to individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease in order to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program and our impression that giving opportunities will be challenging to identify. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Bracelets for immunizationProviding infants with bracelets of different colors indicating immunization status as a strategy for increasing immunization rates through social signaling.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program and evidence of its effectiveness in settings outside of Sierra Leone. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Cataract surgeryConducting surgery to remedy cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye which prevents clear vision) involving removal of the eye's natural lens, followed by replacement with an artificial intraocular lens. (More)NoBased on conversations with several cataract surgery charities, we have been unable to identify opportunities where there is compelling evidence that activities by charities lead to an increase in surgeries and think this information would be challenging to collect. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Clean cookstovesProviding or selling cookstoves that are designed to reduce indoor air pollution, relative to open fires fueled by biomass fuels such as firewood or dung. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Community distribution of polypill for cardiovascular disease preventionDistribution of polypill, a pill containing fixed doses of several drugs intended to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Community-based antibiotic delivery for possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI) managementProviding home-based antibiotics to treat infections in neonates when hospital referrals aren't possible.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program given the lack of evidence on community-based antibiotic delivery by itself. We may revisit if we identify more evidence available on the effects of PSBI management using community-based antibiotic delivery alone. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Conditional subsidies for seasonal labor migration in northern BangladeshProviding cash transfers or limited-liability interest-free loans to support seasonal labor migration in northern Bangladesh. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We supported Evidence Action's No Lean Season program in 2014-2019 (more). Subsequent evidence led to deprioritizing this program.We have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness of the program. Our review of this program mentions a 2018 randomized controlled trial. As of December 2020, to our knowledge, results from the 2018 RCT are not yet public.No further work planned
Condom promotion and distribution to prevent HIV/AIDSEncouraging the use of condoms through education, counseling and advertising. and/or providing condoms for free or at highly subsidized prices. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Cryptococcal antigen testing for people living with HIVDiagnosing and treating a fungal infection that can cause death, particularly among people living with HIV.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there is a lack of cost-effective room for more funding. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Deworming pregnant peopleProviding a single dose of prophylactic deworming for pregnant people to reduce worm infections, which contribute to anemia in women of reproductive age.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there will be limited funding opportunities. See our short note on this program. No further work planned
Diagnosis and treatment for chronic pulmonary aspergillosisDiagnosing and treating a fungal infection that can cause death, particularly among people who have underlying structural lung disease.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there is limited evidence of its effectiveness in low-resource settings and implementation is challenging in these settings. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Diagnosis and treatment for disseminated histoplasmosisDiagnosing and treating a fungal infection that can cause death, particularly among people living with HIV.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program and room for more funding. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Diagnosis and treatment for pneumocystis pneumoniaDiagnosing and treating a fungal infection that can cause death, particularly among people living with HIV.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the evidence of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Distribution of eyeglasses to improve academic performanceProviding free or subsidized corrective eyeglasses to students with poor vision to improve academic performance. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness. We are prioritizing work on eyeglasses to improve workers' manual dexterity (listed separately) more highly because we believe that the evidence for effectiveness is stronger for that program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Early childhood psychosocial stimulationTraining parents to support their child's development through play and other activities, in order to develop children's cognitive and language skills. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of evidence of effectiveness for and cost-effectiveness of the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Education in developing countriesA wide range of interventions aimed at improving education in developing countries. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on these programs based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for programs of this type. See our review of this category of programs. We may consider individual education interventions in the future.No further work planned
Eggs for complementary feedingDistributing chicken eggs to families to feed to infants in conjunction with breast milk to ensure that the infants receive adequate nutrition.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Family planning radio campaignsConducting radio campaigns that aim to increase modern contraceptive use among women.NoDue to low estimated cost-effectiveness, we do not plan to prioritize further work on this program. We may review other radio messaging campaigns targeting health behaviors or revisit this program in the future if there is new evidence to support it or we update our moral weights. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Generic hepatitis C medicationProviding generic versions of direct-acting antivirals to treat hepatitis C infections. NoWe have depriortized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program. No further work planned
Immunization to prevent meningitis AConducting meningitis A immunization campaigns, in order to prevent deaths and cases of brain damage and hearing loss. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of room for more funding for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Integrated community case managementTraining community health workers and providing them with the supplies to diagnose and treat uncomplicated cases of pneumonia with antibiotics, malaria with antimalarial drugs, and diarrhea with oral rehydration salts and zinc. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancyProviding antimalarial drugs to pregnant women who are at-risk of malaria in their second and third trimesters. (More)NoOur review of this program found low cost-effectiveness and weak evidence of effectiveness for this program.No further work planned
Interventions to promote handwashingPromoting handwashing through education and/or provision of materials, such as soap. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of evidence of effectiveness for and cost-effectiveness of the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Kangaroo mother care (KMC)Providing a low-cost alternative to conventional neonatal intensive care for low birth weight infants during their stay at a healthcare facility. (More)NoAfter a limited investigation, our impression is that implementation challenges are likely to limit effectiveness of and funding opportunities for this program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Lymphoedema management to prevent acute adenolymphangitis in podoconiosisEducating people with podoconiosis about disease management practices and providing them with supplies, such as compression bandages and shoes, with the intention of reducing the incidence of acute adenolymphangitis.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)Use of malaria RDTs to reduce overprescription of antimalarials and improve diagnosis of non-malaria febrile illnesses.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program due to lack of evidence that provision of malaria RDTs reduces mortality, which we guess would be necessary for this to meet our bar for cost-effectiveness. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Mass media to promote behavior change as run by Development Media InternationalEncouraging people to adopt improved health practices though radio and television programming. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We made a grant to Development Media International in 2020 as part of our grantmaking in response to COVID-19 (more). We recognized Development Media International as a GiveWell standout charity before GiveWell retired that designation (more).We view this program as having limited evidence of effectiveness, based on a randomized controlled trial of DMI's child mortality programs. See our review of this program.No further work planned
MicrofinanceProviding loans and other financial services (such as savings accounts or insurance) to poor individuals. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. Small Enterprise Foundation was a GiveWell standout charity in 2011 (more).We have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Micronutrient powdersProviding packets of vitamins and minerals to be added to children's food to reduce micronutrient deficiencies. NoWe have depriortized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Non-pneumatic anti-shock garmentsUsing a compression device to stabilize women with postpartum hemorrhage until they are able to receive treatment.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of room for more funding. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Oral ivermectin mass drug administration for scabies controlDistributing the oral antiparasitic drug ivermectin to almost all members of a scabies-affected community with the intention of reducing the prevalence of scabies mitesNoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of its cost-effectiveness and room for more funding. See our review of this program. No further work planned
Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIVProviding antiretroviral drugs to HIV-negative individuals, in order to prevent HIV acquisition. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Oral Rehydration Solution Treating dehydration due to diarrhea with glucose, sodium, and other minerals dissolved in water. (More)NoOur best guess is that this program is less cost-effective than other programs we would consider directing funding to, though it's possible additional work could change our view. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD)Providing locally-customized agricultural advice to farmers through their mobile phones. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We recognized PAD as a GiveWell standout charity before GiveWell retired that designation (more).Our best guess is that this program is below the range of cost-effectiveness of programs we would consider directing funding to and evidence for its effectiveness is limited, though it's possible additional work could change our view. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Probiotics for gestational diabetesProviding probiotics to pregnant women with gestational diabetes to improve maternal and neonatal health.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there is limited evidence on its effectiveness. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Prophylactic antibiotics to reduce infections from caesarean sectionsProviding prophylactic antibiotics to women delivering via caesarean section to prevent morbidity and mortality related to maternal peripartum infections.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there will be limited funding opportunities. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Rapid diagnostic tests and drug therapy for visceral leishmaniasis in East AfricaProviding screening and treatment for a tropical disease that is prevalent in East Africa.NoWe have deprioritized further work based on limited room for more funding. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
School feeding programsProviding school meals to students for the purpose of alleviating malnutrition, decreasing barriers to school attendance, and improving learning ability.NoWe have depriortized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Selenium supplementation for neonatal sepsis preventionProviding selenium supplements to very low birthweight infants in order to prevent sepsis.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there is limited evidence on its effectiveness. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Soft skills certificationProviding workers with certifications for non-cognitive skills, including traits such as trustworthiness and willingness to help others, in order to increase workers’ earnings by improving their ability to signal soft skills to potential employers. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Supplementary immunization activities to prevent measlesIdentifying gaps in measles vaccination coverage, including through vaccine coverage surveys or case surveillance, and conducting measles immunization campaigns in at-risk areas. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of lack of cost-effective room for more funding for the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Surgery to repair obstetric fistulaProviding surgery to repair abnormal openings between the vagina and the bladder or rectum that cause leakage of urine and/or feces. (More)NoOur best guess is that surgery to treat obstetric fistula is below the range of cost-effectiveness of programs we would direct funding to. However, several major unanswered questions remain, and it is possible that new information on the benefits of fistula surgery or its costs could lead us to change our view. See our review of this program.No further work planned
Targeted azithromycin distribution for children being discharged from the hospitalProviding a course of antibiotics at discharge from the hospital to children with recent severe illness, in order to reduce mortality and morbidity.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there is limited global room for more funding. See our short note on this program. No further work planned
Unconditional cash transfers during pregnancy and when children are very youngProviding cash transfers targeted to women during pregnancy and when children are very young to provide a household income stream.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our shallow assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our short note on this program. No further work planned
Universal low-dose aspirin during pregnancyDistributing low-dose aspirin to all pregnant women to reduce the likelihood of preeclampsia.NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on our impression that there will be limited funding opportunities. See our short note on this program.No further work planned
Voluntary medical male circumcisionProviding surgery to remove the prepuce (foreskin) of the penis, in order to reduce HIV and HPV (which can lead to cervical cancer) transmission. (More)NoWe have deprioritized further work on this program based on low estimated cost-effectiveness. See our review of this program. No further work planned
Zusha! road safety campaignPlacing stickers in public service vehicles that encourage passengers to speak up and urge drivers to drive more safely. (More)This is not a program we are actively supporting. We recommended a grant to Zusha! in 2017 (more). We recognized Zusha! as a GiveWell standout charity before GiveWell retired that designation (more).We have deprioritized further work on this program based on our assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the program. See our review of this program.No further work planned