Stories By Michael Gray

  • A star is (re)born at Christmas After decades of shining above our family home each Christmas season, the illuminated star my father created found a new home this year. And my family found out just how many followers it had.
  • Pigeon on BART restores faith in humanity — for at least 1 rider A feathered fare beater boarded a BART train in the East Bay Monday morning, causing a ruckus among passengers who rallied together to get the freeloader off the car. Sarah Mason, a daily commuter to the Civic Center in San Francisco, boarded...
  • Greet spring with friends and neighbors at Hayes Valley Farm's weekly volunteer days. Learn how to take your garden from functional to dynamic in a "Practical Biodynamics" workshop with David Perkins. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. March 9. Join authors,...
  • Marriages to sports teams not always made in heaven One moment you are on the fringe of the Super Bowl party, quietly stuffing your face with Cool Ranch Doritos; the next you are Kaepernicking and shouting "In your face!" at fellow guests after your team scores. Or, as I witnessed a pair of Red...
  • Back home, surrounded by ghosts of Christmas past At the store, at the gym, on my morning commute, around the desk where I am typing these words. After being away most of my adult life, I am back in the Bay Area, living a little more than a mile...
  • Which brings us to Big Game week, and the annual clash between the forces of good - Cal, in my case - and the fancy private school on the Peninsula. In the game that embodies this rivalry, there has been regular heartbreak, an occasional...
  • Baltimore PARSE. Proffer. Presidential knee pads. Boy, keeping up with all the odd terminology in this Clinterngate thing has been tough - and those are just the P-words. Thanks to the saturation coverage of all things Zippergate, though, I...
  • Borrowing costs for millions of Americans who have racked up credit-card charges or borrowed money for cars and home repairs should be modestly eased after the Federal Reserve said it would cut interest rates. The reduction, announced...