NACAC has a wealth of knowledge to share with foster and adoptive parents, child welfare professionals, and parent support group leaders in the U.S. and Canada.

NACAC works with public and private agencies, associations, parent groups, and others to create customized training for parents, professionals, and group leaders presented by experts in adoption and foster care. Whatever your budget, we can work with you to create multi-day conferences, webinar series, one-day events, virtual or in-person workshops, and much more for parents or professionals. Our team is also available for consulting as well as coaching.

NACAC’s trainers have diverse expertise in foster care and adoption, included lived experience in care and parenting those in care.

If you are interested in learning more about how NACAC training can help your staff or parent group members, email

“NACAC trainings, both for professionals and families, have proven to be practical, engaging and filled with strategies that work! The fun and hope-filled trainings encourage attendees to think in new ways about the challenges they face when supporting the kids who needs us most” —state director of adoption

“The trainings that NACAC provided were an instant hit with our families. the combination of REAL life situations and practical solutions gave our resource parents a breath of fresh air and hope. The realization that they are not alone and that together we strive for a better future for our children was empowering.” — founding member, Maryland Resource Parent Association

In addition to the following training available on request, NACAC sponsors the most comprehensive adoption and foster care conference in North America (for more information, see the conference section of this site). We also offer free and paid webinars.

Sample Training Topics

Below are just some of the training topics we cover. Please email us to learn more and discuss your needs.

Adoption and Foster Care Best Practices

  • Trauma-responsive strategies
  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  • Understanding the impact of trauma on children
  • Attachment and bonding
  • Adolescent brain development
  • Adoption competency for support staff and group leaders — NACAC has developed a curriculum for parents and caregivers support networks, social workers, and mental health professionals to enhance their ability to provide adoption-competent services. Read more about NACAC’s adoption competency training.
  • Recruiting families
  • Permanency work with older youth
  • Openness in adoption across a continuum/birth family connections

Race and Equity

  • Transracial parenting
  • The impact of race and racism on children in care
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ children and youth
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ foster and adoptive parents

Support Networks

  • Parent leadership development
  • Starting, maintaining, and enhancing parent or youth support groups
  • Youth leadership development
  • Creating effective online support networks
  • Advocacy

Adoption Assistance


Download our training flyer



Our Mission

The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) supports, educates, inspires, and advocates so adoptive families thrive and every child in foster care has a permanent, safe, loving family.


What We Do
Core Beliefs and Values
Board of Directors
Our Partners
Sponsorship Opportunities


North American Council
on Adoptable Children
970 Raymond Avenue
Suite 205
St. Paul, MN 55114


Staff Contact Info

The North American Council on Adoptable Children