Actively trying for a baby
Ovulation calculator
Find out when you're likely to ovulate - and increase your chances of getting pregnant!Check your fertile days now!
More Actively trying for a baby
Ovulation, timing and sex
How you conceive
We all know what goes where, but there's more to making a baby than just sex! We've got the lowdown to help you understand what makes the difference between getting pregnant and not.
When is the best time to get pregnant
Sex positions for getting pregnant
How long will it take to get pregnant?
See all in Ovulation, timing and sexAlternative therapies for getting pregnant
Can reflexology help me to get pregnant?
Can alternative therapies such as reflexology help you to get pregnant? Many women swear they worked for them. We've looked into popular therapies for trying to conceive.
Can herbal remedies help to boost fertility?
Can taking cough medicine help me conceive?
Can green tea and herbal teas help me get pregnant?
Can yoga help me to get pregnant?
See all in Alternative therapies for getting pregnantActively trying for another baby
What age gap is best between babies?
What are the pros and cons of having children close together versus further apart? We've got all the information you need to help decide if now's the right time for another baby.
My first baby was premature, will it happen again?
How soon after a caesarean can I get pregnant?
Can sex selection methods help me have a boy or a girl?
See all in Actively trying for another baby