A guide to baby toilet training

What is baby toilet training?

Baby potty training is the practice of introducing your baby to the toilet or potty before his first birthday.

It doesn't mean your baby will be able to go to the loo independently. It means that you or any other care taker of your baby, need to take him to the loo every time you anticipate a pee or poop.

Babies aren't physically or emotionally ready to be toilet trained in the way we usually understand the term until they are between 18 months and three years old. They develop the ability to control their bladders between 18 months and two years.

Hence when you toilet train your baby, you are essentially just getting him used to the idea that any pee or poo needs to be done on a potty or toilet.

Once your baby is between eight to nine months, he may even learn to associate a sign or sound to the act of peeing or pooing, and learn to use that sign to communicate that he needs to go. But he will not be able to hold on till you reach the bathroom. He will likely use the sign or sound as he is eliminating or just before.

When should I start baby potty training?

You can start baby potty training when you want to. But you should adjust your expectations of what your baby achieves to his age and stage of development.

Some parents start toilet training their baby as early as one month. This is done by watching for signs of an imminent pee or poo and rushing your baby to the potty to catch it.

Some experts however advise against starting too early, saying that the child isn't physically and emotionally ready to start toilet training.

But baby toilet training has been practiced in India for generations with the result that most children remain dry through the day by the time they are two or two and a half years old.

If you want to start training your baby, it is probably a good idea to wait for him to be between eight and nine months old. By this time he will be sitting confidently and having three solid food dishes in a day.

Waiting till your baby is on solid foods is a good idea because your baby's peeing and pooing pattern changes when he starts on solids.

Exclusively breastfed babies can poop anywhere between once a week and several times a day. They also tend to pee above of eight times in a day.

Once your baby starts on solid foods however, his poo changes to become more like an adult's and settles into a once-a-day routine. Your baby's poo might already be like this if he is on formula milk.

It is also best not to make too many changes in your baby's routine at once. Starting solids is a big change in your baby's life so it is a good idea to wait till he is well adjusted to the new foods and textures before starting to toilet train.

When starting your baby’s potty training try not to do it during a disruptive event in your child's life. The week before a new baby is due or a house shift isn't a good time. Babies love routine, and any major changes may upset your baby and create setbacks in his behaviour. You will need to choose a moment when you have time to dedicate to training your baby and where no travel or other change is planned.

What do I need to toilet train my baby?

It is worth investing in a child-sized potty or a small toilet seat that latches onto your regular toilet.

Most potties are designed to seat your child comfortably with his feet touching the ground. Potties have the advantage of being mobile but they have to be cleaned every time your child does a deposit.

A toilet seat latches onto your toilet so you will be able to just flush to clean away any pee or poo. If you chose to use a toilet seat, having a stool nearby will help. Anchoring his feet on this stool will allow your baby to maintain his balance when he pushes during a bowel movement.

You can choose to start with a potty and when your child gets the hang of it move to a toilet seat of his size. Since the potty is of your child's size and height, it might be less intimidating than using the toilet straight away.

You will also need a lot of time. Since baby potty training is largely dependent on you, you will need to put in time to become familiar with your baby's peeing and pooing pattern and taking your baby regularly to the loo. You should also be ready for accidents and the subsequent clean-ups.

How can I toilet train my baby?

Watch your baby and get to know his elimination patterns. When and how often does your baby pee? Does he always poo at a particular time of the day such as right after waking up, for example? Does he make any particular noises, gestures, or expressions when he has to go?

Once you have understood this pattern roughly, you may start with the following:
  • Use sounds. While he's relieving himself, make a noise that your baby will learn to associate with elimination. Many parents use ‘ssssss’ or some other water-like sound while others use a word or phrase like "go potty". Repeat this sound or phrase whenever you see that your baby has to go, and also while he is going. This will help him learn to recognise it as a signal and connect his own impulses with the act of using the potty.
  • Use signs. In addition to the sounds you use, or instead of them, you can use a sign every time your baby pees or poos and every time you use the word 'pee' or 'poo'. Your baby will soon associate the sign to the deed and may start using it to communicate that he needs to go well before he is able to speak. The sign should be something simple like pointing to the ground between his feet or pointing at his bottom. When your baby starts replicating the sign, respond to it by taking him to the potty immediately.
  • Regular trips to the potty. Make sure you take your baby to the potty at regular intervals, say once every half hour or one hour. This makes him get used to the potty and as days go by he will be able to associate the toilet with peeing and pooing.
  • Keep your baby entertained on the pot. While he is on the potty, you can stimulate his interest with songs, toys or books that he likes the most. Getting his attention onto something he likes will help your child to take the potty training process with ease.

What should I keep in mind while potty training my baby?

  • Keep at it. As your baby gets used to the toilet training routine and starts using signs or sounds to communicate that he needs the loo, it is easy to slow down the pace and start relying on him to tell you when he needs to go. But even if your baby has learnt to communicate his needs, if he is engrossed in a toy or game, he might forget to make his sign. So you will have to stay vigilant and continue taking him to the loo at regular intervals even if he hasn't made his sign.
  • Be ready for accidents. Accidents are part of the toilet training process. So be prepared to change his clothes and clean up after him, at least during the early stages. Respond to messes and other challenges calmly, without making a fuss about it, as frustrating as it may sometimes be. After your baby has an accident, place him on the potty to reinforce that this is where he needs to do his pee or poo.
  • Be flexible. There might be times when you need to go back to diapers. Starting to toilet train doesn't mean you need to go off diapers completely from one day to the next. You can for example take your baby out of diapers for some time each day or for the whole day but not the night. When you can, use cloth diapers, since disposables are so absorbent that your baby often won't realise when he's wet or soiled.
  • Be encouraging. Your child will be looking to you for appreciation of his new skills. Don't disappoint him. Whenever he moves on to a new step or tries to use his potty, appreciate his progress by clapping hands or smiling. Show him that you are proud of him. Don't overdo it though or he might become nervous or afraid to fail.
  • Stay positive. No matter what age your child learns to use the potty, training should be gentle and positive, and done with a sense of humour and encouragement. The goal is to help your child get in tune with his body and feel good about using the potty. Don't scold or punish your baby for wetting himself. This may make toilet training much harder for both you and your baby.

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Read more on:


AAFP. 2008. Toilet training: information from your family doctor. American Association of Family Physicians. Am Fam Physician. 78(9): 1066

Blum NJ, Taubman B, Nemeth N. 2003. Relationship Between Age at Initiation of Toilet Training and Duration of Training: A Prospective Study. Pediatrics. 111(4): 810-814

Choby BA, George S. 2008. Toilet training. Am Fam Physician. 78(9): 1059-64 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

DH. 2009. Habits and behaviour. In: Birth to Five. London: Department of Health. 85-98. www.dh.gov.uk

ERIC. 2010a. A-Z of potty training tips. Education and resources for improving childhood continence. www.eric.org.uk

ERIC. 2010b. Potty training. Education and resources for improving childhood continence. www.eric.org.uk

Richardson M. 2003. The physiology of micturition. Nursing Times. 99(29): 46 Rogers J. 2002.

Toilet training: lessons to be learnt from the past. Nursing Times. 98 (43): 56. www.nursingtimes.net

Schum TR, Kolb RM, McAuliffe TL, et al. 2002. Sequential Acquisition of Toilet-Training Skills: A Descriptive Study of Gender and Age Differences in Normal Children. Pediatrics. 109: 3

Wu HY. 2010. Achieving Urinary Continence in Children. Nature Reviews. Urology. Medscape Education. www.medscape.org
Diane Rai
Diane Rai is BabyCenter India's Editor.

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