Plone Trainings

Plone training events are a great way to expand your skills. Plus they're an excellent way to meet the community.

Mastering Plone 6 Development

Learn the best practices of Plone development for frontend and backend using Volto as well as Plone Classic.

Theming in Plone 6 Classic

How to style your Plone site.


Create your own site using Volto.

Volto Hands-On

Practice your skills by recreating the site using Volto.

Volto Add-ons Development

Build custom Volto add-ons, explore more advanced Volto topics.


How to get your Plone site up and running.

Testing Plone

Learn best practices for testing Plone addons.

Plone Workflow

Controlling security and business-logic with workflows.

Content Management

How to work with content and manage site settings in Plone.


Get started with React & friends.

WSGI Deployment

Deploying and Operating Plone on WSGI

Solr Integration

How to add enterprise grade search to your Plone site.
