How to Secure Your WordPress Login Page (Complete Guide)

A critical factor in running a successful WordPress website is implementing monitoring and security measures. After all, a hacked site can cause a lot of headaches — regardless of whether your site is used for business or personal purposes. It can impact your revenue, risk your visitors’ information, and wreck your reputation. 

A typical entry point for hackers is the WordPress login page, which will be our focus today. What follows is a rundown of 14 ways to harden WordPress login security so malicious actors won’t breach your site. 

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How to Detect & Remove Malware from a WordPress Site

It’s no surprise that WordPress powers 43% of the web. Since it’s open source, people from around the world are constantly contributing to improvements. Plus, because of its huge library of free and premium plugins, it’s pretty simple for someone with limited development knowledge to build a fairly complex site. 

But, like with anything, WordPress site owners need to be constantly vigilant of cyber criminals who seek to take advantage of security gaps. And one of the biggest threats is malware.

That’s why learning how to remove malware from WordPress sites is so important. When you can identify when your WordPress site is infected, you can act quickly to clean it and prevent it from happening again in the future.  

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of detecting and removing malware on your WordPress site. Then we’ll walk you through how to do so — with and without a plugin. We’ll provide tips for protecting your site against malware in the future and then wrap up with some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). 

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Guide to WordPress Brute Force Protection (+4 Best Plugins)

Brute force attacks happen when hackers try to access your site files by constantly trying new passwords. If they succeed, they could steal your private data, add malware, or even take down your website completely.

Fortunately, you can easily prevent these brute force attacks. By simply updating your login information or enabling two-factor authentication, you can make it harder for hackers to enter your website. Another effective method is to install a brute force protection plugin like Jetpack.

In this post, we’ll explain what brute force attacks are and how you can prevent them. Then, we’ll recommend the best plugins for brute force protection. 

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How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources in WordPress

When someone tries to visit a page on your site, they enter the URL in their browser, which immediately goes to work. To load the page, it has to “render” all of the elements that make up that page. 

But sometimes, there are CSS or JavaScript files that pause this process, preventing your content from rendering — these are called render-blocking resources. This means that visitors may experience long wait times, which can negatively impact how people perceive your organization and whether they take the actions you’d like. 

In this post, we’ll explain what render-blocking resources are and discuss the benefits of removing them from your site. Then, we’ll show you how to eliminate them in five different ways. 

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Jetpack 11.2 – Under-the-hood improvements for your site

Jetpack 11.2 ships several improvements and bug fixes for a better Jetpack experience for you and your site.

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How to Manage Comments in WordPress (+ 8 Best Plugins)

Comment sections are often seen as a standard feature for websites and blogs. They can be great for engagement and provide vital feedback about your content, but they also require good management and moderation.

Whether you’ve decided to allow them on your posts or not, it’s essential that you know how to implement, manage, and disable comments in WordPress. To help you become a pro at WordPress comment settings, we’ve put together an extensive guide that covers what comments are, where to find them, how to manage them, and how to prevent comment spam. We also give our top picks for the best WordPress comment plugins.  

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How to Create a Custom Login Page in WordPress (3 Methods)

By default, the login page seen by visitors on your site is the same as the one used by admins. While this page is functional, its design is very basic, with a lot of white space and the WordPress logo front and center. It doesn’t do much to support your branding or offer visitors a user-friendly experience.

Creating a custom login page is a relatively easy improvement you can make to your WordPress site. Depending on the kind of site you run, many of your visitors may interact with this page at some point, so a custom WordPress login page presents an opportunity to improve their experience.

In this article, we’ll talk about the advantages of a WordPress custom login page, cover several methods for creating one, and explore some best practices for user experience and security.

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How to Create, Add, & Edit a WordPress Navigation Menu

Wondering how to create and customize a menu in WordPress? Navigation menus list your most important pages, allowing visitors quick access no matter where they are on your site. The built-in WordPress menu editor is pretty powerful, but can take some getting used to.

If you don’t know where to start or need help customizing your menu with certain features, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get your new and improved navigation menu up and running.

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9 Best WordPress Video Plugins to Upload, Host, & Play Videos

Videos are a fantastic way to communicate with your visitors and boost engagement, and they’re becoming increasingly common on websites. In fact, Social Media Week reported that videos will soon make up 82 percent of worldwide internet traffic.

Many people decide to use a plugin to add videos to their site, but a quick search of the plugin repository will reveal a huge array of options.

To help you choose the best way to display videos on your website, we’ve examined the best plugins and compared them based on their features, pros and cons, ease of use, and pricing. 

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Publish Blog Posts to Your Telegram Channel Automatically With JetpackWP Bot

With the JetpackWP Bot for Telegram, you can now automatically share blog posts from any Jetpack-powered WordPress site (including any site hosted at directly to a Telegram channel. This free tool saves time sharing content to Telegram, where readers can subscribe to read your posts just as easily as they would via email or social media.

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