Premium ACF Extensions

Our plugins are made for WordPress developers who love Advanced Custom Fields!

Hi! From Melbourne

Phil & the Hookturn team create Premium WordPress Plugins for WordPress designers & developers who use Advanced Custom Fields!

Phil Kurth
Phil Kurth
Owner & Developer
Some of our happy customers

Great products, great support (even before I purchased one of the tools). These guys know their stuff! Highly recommend.

The team at Hookturn are WordPress purists and ACF gurus. Now, ACF is already great, but if you rely on it for serious projects, then you need to be across what they're doing to make your life a lot easier and your sites a lot more performant, elegant and enjoyable to work on.

ACF Theme Code Pro takes the donkey-work out of building layouts with multiple fields. It even includes escaping which is an added bonus!

Bulldoze your way through repeaters and complicated nested fields. An essential time-saver for the toolkit.

Jay Armstrong
Jay Armstrong

Advanced Forms has been a lifesaver for creating complex front-end forms that require the powerful features and flexibility of ACF.

By far the most useful plugin to enhance and supercharge ACF. Why? By default ACF saves custom field data into the Wordpress post_meta table making it challenging to utilise. CDT has changed all that. It seamlessly organises ACF data into neat tables making it infinitely more readable, usable, and scalable. CDT combined with ACF successfully blur the lines between Wordpress as a CMS and a web application. The possibilities are truly endless!

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