SPI associated projects

We are proud to be able to list the following 39 free and open source projects as being associated with SPI.

0 A.D. Adélie Linux ankur.org.in aptosid Arch Linux Arch Linux 32 ArduPilot
Debian FFmpeg Fluxbox Gallery Ganeti GNUstep GNU TeXmacs
haskell.org LibreOffice MinGW MPI Forum NTPsec ns-3 OFTC
Open Bioinformatics Foundation Open MPI Open Voting Foundation OpenEmbedded OpenSAF OpenVAS OpenZFS
PMIx PostgreSQL Privoxy SproutCore Swathanthra Malayalam Computing systemd The Mana World
translatewiki.net Tux4Kids X.Org YafaRay

Free and open source projects interested in becoming SPI associated projects should read the following documents: