Angharad Rudkin

Angharad Rudkin BPS, MA(Oxon), AFBPsS, HCPC

Clinical psychologist


Angharad is a clinical psychologist with more than 20 years’ experience of working with children and their families experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties. She lectured on child mental health at the University of Southampton for over a decade, but recently left to spend more time on her writing. When she’s not writing or talking about children, Angharad loves to spend time with her own three children in Hampshire.


Angharad has co-written two parenting books with author and journalist Tanith Carey. She also paired up with children’s author Ruth Fitzgerald to write books for children on friendship and divorce. Angharad regularly appears on the radio, TV and in the written media discussing child wellbeing. She is also one of the agony aunts for Metro newspaper.

Angharad has enjoyed contributing to BabyCentre’s articles since 2016. Using her knowledge of up-to-date evidence and years of clinical experiences, Angharad writes and reviews articles about a whole range of issues, from nose-picking to tantrums.

Angharad Rudkin is a member of the BabyCentre UK Medical Advisory Board.

Latest from Angharad Rudkin BPS, MA(Oxon), AFBPsS, HCPC