Webinars - Upcoming Live and On-Demand Offerings

ADAA's monthly webinars address some of the most frequently asked questions about psychological and pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, and related disorders for adults as well as children. Experts offer tips and other information you need to know. Below is a list of upcoming webinars, as well as all on-demand offerings. You can search our webinar library by keyword/presenter, topics and demographics. Mental health professionals are welcome to listen, and encouraged to share these webinars with their clients, but please note that this webinar series is intended for the general public.

Interested in a particular topic? Have a suggestion? Please contact us.

Please view ADAA's Webinar Notice.

Opinions and findings presented in our education programs, including our annual conferences are not necessarily representative of those held by ADAA.

© Copyright ADAA 2021

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 12:00 pm
Mary Karapetian Alvord, PhD and
Dana Kornfeld, MD and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Live Webinar
Learn practical and evidence-based skills to encourage in your children as they move forward this year.
Thursday, September 08, 2022 12:00 pm
Alex Bettis, PhD and
Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD and
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Live Webinar
This free live webinar partnered with AFSP during Suicide Awareness Prevention Week will review the warning signs, the questions to ask for help or to provide support to others, and what to do when in crisis.
Monday, August 29, 2022 12:00 pm
Sally Winston, PsyD and
Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar
ADAA sits down to chat with Drs. Sally Winston and Martin Seif on their three self-help publication ono overcoming intrusive thoughts, compulsive thoughts, and anticipatory anxiety.
Thursday, August 25, 2022 12:00 pm
Amie R. Newins, PhD and
Deborah C. Beidel, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar
Learn strategies for managing fear and worry about school shootings for parents/guardians, teachers/school staff, and students.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 3:00 pm
Jacqueline Sperling, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
In this webinar, you’ll learn about the different ways that social anxiety can show up and the tools available to help you feel more in charge of your emotions.
Thursday, July 21, 2022 12:00 pm
Marla Deibler, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar
Join ADAA this Thursday for a free brief information and Q & A session to learn "all about '' BFRBs, how they impact those who are living with them, current trends in evidence-based treatment, and resources for support. 
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 12:00 pm
Risa B. Weisberg, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
Dr. Weisberg reviews the common problems that often come along with chronic pain, including anxiety, depression, difficulties with pain medications and other substances, and feeling misunderstood by medical professionals and others in your life.
Wednesday, July 06, 2022 11:00 am
Tynessa Franks, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
5 Tips to help you overcome your anxiety to do your best at a job interview.
Friday, June 24, 2022 12:00 pm
Jeff Cohen, PsyD and
Colleen A. Sloan, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
This FREE live webinar will discuss ways to amplify the strengths and mental health resilience of LGBTQ+ communities. This presentation welcomes all to community conversation and Q&A in celebration of Pride Month while also highlighting the importance of prioritizing mental health and self-care.
Thursday, June 23, 2022 12:00 pm
Rachel Rubin, MD and
Recorded Webinar

Your physical health, mental health, and sexual health are all important for your wellbeing. However, the stigma surrounding these topics can make it embarrassing and difficult to ask questions to your loved ones or health provider.

Friday, June 03, 2022 1:00 pm
Lisa Sosin, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

The World Health Organization recently declared an international crisis of prejudice, racism, and interpersonal violence.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 11:00 am
Jessi Gold, MD, MS and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA and Jessi Gold, MD, MS sat down for an ADAA Instagram live community discussion on mental health and medication in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Thursday, May 12, 2022 12:00 pm
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
Recorded Webinar
Come listen and talk to Dr. Karen Cassiday to learn the latest tips and information about overcoming agoraphobia and reclaiming your life.
Monday, May 09, 2022 2:00 pm
Lara Effland, LICSW, CEDS and
Recorded Webinar
This webinar teaches how you or your loved one can use DBT to help get through difficult stages of Trauma treatment or the fear of starting.
Thursday, May 05, 2022 12:00 pm
Sanjay Mathew, MD - ADAA Chief Medical Officer and Board Secretary and
Recorded Webinar
CE/CME Credit


Wednesday, April 20, 2022 12:00 pm
Martin Paulus, PhD, Scientific Council Chair and
Recorded Webinar

The use of cannabis in the U.S. has undergone a dramatic change over the past two decades.  Starting with the campaign to legalize the use of cannabis in the 90s, use, attitudes and risk perception have changed in both adolescent and adult population.

Tuesday, April 05, 2022 9:30 am
Jennifer Erickson, PhD, LPC and
Recorded Webinar
In this webinar, we will help you have a better understanding on what anxiety, ADHD, and executive functioning and how they may be intertwined.
Thursday, March 10, 2022 2:00 pm
Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT and
Recorded Webinar
CE/CME Credit
In this hour-long webinar, you will learn tools and techniques to help you get (and stay) motivated, manage stress, all while treating yourself compassionately.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 7:00 pm
Recorded Webinar
CE/CME Credit

Migraine and depression have a bidirectional relationship, meaning depression increases the risk of migraine and vice versa. Those with depression are 3.4 times more likely to develop migraine. Conversely, those with migraine are 5.8 times more likely to develop depression.

Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:00 pm
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar
Why do people worry, why does it trigger physical symptoms of anxiety, and what you can do about it.
Thursday, February 03, 2022 12:00 pm
Alicia E. Meuret, PhD and
Erica Simon, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Many experience distress about needles. This can interfere with our healthcare, or make the experience very distressing. This webinar offers a simple breathing skill that can help and is based on many years of research. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 12:00 pm
Susan Clayton, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
CE/CME Credit
Climate anxiety has been featured in the news and social media recently, but what do we know about it? To help you understand the impact, Dr. Clayton reviews survey results suggesting that climate anxiety is widespread, especially among young people.
Friday, January 14, 2022 9:00 am
Scott Granet, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar
CE/CME Credit
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)? It’s a disorder of great distress about one’s physical appearance, with tormenting obsessions and compulsions.
Wednesday, December 08, 2021 3:00 pm
Erika Vivyan, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
In this webinar, Dr. Vivyan will provide an overview of skills and tools for parents which can be effectively used to help kids with anxiety and depression.
Friday, November 05, 2021 9:00 am
Recorded Webinar
While apps are not a replacement for seeing a licensed professional, they can be a starting point for getting support, an add-on to treatment you are already receiving, and/or a helpful tool to have in your back pocket to help you stay on top of your overall wellness. 
Tuesday, October 26, 2021 12:00 pm
Shuting Zheng, PhD, BCBA and
Rebecca Sachs, PhD and
Dena Gassner, MSW and
Recorded Webinar
Hear from an expert panel on the prevalence, assessment, diagnosis, treatment options, and experiences for those with co-occurring autism and depression. Presented in partnership with SPARK.
Wednesday, October 06, 2021 9:00 am
Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT and
Recorded Webinar

When times are difficult, we often respond to our suffering with self-criticism, self-punishment, or pleasure withholding.  In this webinar, you will learn how to use self-compassion, the art of treating yourself with kindness, care, and respect.

Friday, September 24, 2021 9:00 am
Diana Hill, PhD and
Katy Rothfelder and
Recorded Webinar
This webinar will explore Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)—including mindfulness, acceptance, values-based living, and self-compassion.
Friday, September 10, 2021 9:00 am
Robert Hindman, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar is designed to introduce you to the basics of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for depression. The webinar begins by briefly describing the symptoms of depression. Next, we’ll cover behavioral activation, which is how to get back to living a life that’s in line with your values.

Thursday, September 09, 2021 12:00 pm
Eli Lebowitz, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
Recorded public webinar presented by Dr. Eli Lebowitz. This webinar will introduce SPACE, a proven, effective approach that works directly through you, the parent. Get the tools to be supportive while showing your child confidence that they can cope.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 12:00 pm
Mary Karapetian Alvord, PhD and
Dana Kornfeld, MD and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Live Webinar
Our goal is to show how building resilience can ease the transition back to school this fall and help your children thrive despite the uncertainties and changes they will face. The panelists, a child and adolescent psychologist, a pediatrician and an adult psychiatrist discuss practical and evidence-based skills that parents can encourage in their kids as they move forward into a new school year.  
Wednesday, August 11, 2021 9:00 am
Nathaniel Van Kirk, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Understanding the differences between the various levels of OCD treatment can be a daunting task. This presentation will provide an overview of the various levels of treatment and how treatment elements may mirror or differ from traditional outpatient treatments.

Friday, July 23, 2021 1:00 pm
Ashley J. Smith, PhD and
Upcoming Webinar
Learn how to boost your wellbeing, happiness, and life satisfaction despite anxiety or depression. With ADAA member Dr. Ashley Smith. On-demand after July 23.
Thursday, June 10, 2021 1:00 pm
Dave Carbonell, PhD and
Upcoming Webinar
ADAA member Dr. Dave Carbonell will give you the confidence you need to gradually transform panic attacks from an ongoing threat to an unpleasant memory.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 12:00 pm
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Paul Greene, PhD and
Recorded Webinar
Mindfulness can be a helpful tool to understand and manage intrusive thoughts. In this webinar, Drs. Kissen & Greene will share tips and tools to apply mindfulness to these thoughts. Doing so will help you reduce anxiety and cope with the thoughts in a healthy way.
Friday, May 07, 2021 12:00 pm
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
David Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar
As restrictions are lifting, uncertainty is causing many people to experience anxiety. This free live webinar features an ADAA panel of experts providing tips and strategies on how to move through and past your fears and worries to reclaim your life. 
Thursday, April 22, 2021 12:00 pm
Virginia Runko, PhD, CBSM and
Recorded Webinar

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is evidence-based and is recommended as the first-line treatment for insomnia in adults.

Tuesday, April 06, 2021 12:00 pm
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA Board member and health anxiety expert, Ken Goodman LCSW, shares helpful tips and strategies to manage COVID anxiety. Ken also interviews a former patient who struggled with COVID health anxiety.


Thursday, February 25, 2021 1:00 pm
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar
Free - now available on-demand. The fear of vomiting can become so all-consuming and terrifying that eating becomes a struggle and weight loss becomes dangerous.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 1:01 pm
Karen G. Martínez, MD, MSc and
Recorded Webinar

En esta conferencia por Internet, estaremos discutiendo qué es la depresión clínica, con qué condiciones se ve asociada y quiénes estan a riesgo.  Además, se discutirá cuándo buscar ayuda de un profesional.

Monday, February 15, 2021 2:02 pm
Robert Yielding, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

What does the research show? Many people are using marijuana (THC) or CBD (which is derived from cannabis or hemp) to help with their anxiety symptoms. Should I be using marijuana or CBD for my anxiety?

Tuesday, January 05, 2021 2:18 am
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar

The illness you fear may not be the illness you have. Do you worry about cancer, heart attacks, or a brain aneurism? Do you regularly google your symptoms or reexam parts of your body that are concerning?

Friday, January 01, 2021 1:01 pm
Kari Gregory MS, LPC, LCPC and
Recorded Webinar

Worry is common.  It becomes problematic when it is excessive, intrusive and constant.  It's hard to turn off worry because it feels like problem solving.  Learn how problem solving becomes a reinforcement loop and how to break that cycle.


Friday, December 04, 2020 1:00 pm
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
David Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

Are you struggling with Covid fatigue? Is it becoming increasingly difficult to stay positive and strong? Come join our panel of experts, ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and David H.

Thursday, November 05, 2020 1:00 pm
Paul Greene, PhD and

Intrusive thoughts can create intense anxiety and lead to rumination for those who suffer from them. ADAA members Drs.

Thursday, September 17, 2020 11:00 am
Kimberlye Dean, PhD and

In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the chronic stressor of systemic racism continues to impede physical and mental health. Are you wondering what you can do to support BIPOC in light of this chronic stressor? Dr.

Friday, September 04, 2020 11:00 am
Kathariya Mokrue, PhD and
Mbemba Jabbi, PhD and

This webinar provides an overview of the cumulative, inter-generational, and persistent racial inequities faced by communities of color.   We also discuss the effects of these trauma on the mind and body and offer strategies on how to cope during this difficult time.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 12:00 pm
Zachary Cohen, PhD and

What does depression look like in yourself, in a friend or family member? What are the best treatments available now? What new treatments are on the horizon? Dr. Zachary Cohen is a clinical psychology researcher who focuses on these questions.

Resources noted in the webinar:

Monday, June 29, 2020 2:00 pm
Burke Garrett and

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a national public health challenge that disproportionately affects those who served our nation. Although the diagnosis has its roots in combat, the medical community now recognizes that PTSD affects civilians and service members alike.

Friday, June 05, 2020 3:00 pm

Our current challenges are overwhelming:

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 5:00 pm
Bethany Teachman, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

The threats to our health, economy, and relationships caused by COVID-19 are unprecedented. For many people, this has created not only extreme anxiety, but also feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. In this webinar, Dr.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 12:00 pm
Rachel Busman, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

In this webinar, Dr. Busman, Senior Director of the Child Mind Institute discusses parenting in the time of the coronavirus.

Friday, May 01, 2020 2:00 pm
Kristina Caragiulo and
Nick Cosky and
Recorded Webinar

Learn some practical tips from two certified financial planners from BDF LLC (Kristina Caragiulo and Nick Cosky of BDF LLC in Chicago)  on navigating your financial concerns during these challenging times.

Friday, March 27, 2020 1:01 pm
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
David Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP share helpful tips and strategies to manage coronavirus anxiety and stress for families.


Friday, March 20, 2020 2:02 pm
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
David Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and David Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP share "top 10" tips and strategies to help manage coronavirus panic and anxiety in this short video.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 9:09 am
Sally Winston, PsyD and
Reid Wilson, Ph.D. and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, and Drs. Debra Kissen, Reid Wilson, and Sally Winston share expert tips to manage coronavirus anxiety.

Friday, February 28, 2020 9:09 am
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA member Dr. Debra Kissen shares tips and strategies to manage coronovirus anxiety in this 5 minute video. 

Friday, January 31, 2020 11:00 am
Mitchell Greene, PhD and

Research shows, and everyone agrees, that exercising and playing sports can be one of the best natural stress relievers we have for feelings of anxiety, depression and overwhelm.

Thursday, January 23, 2020 3:03 pm
Dave Carbonell, PhD and

Anxiety makes us question our decisions and ourselves, and worry

Friday, December 13, 2019 9:09 am
Jenny Yip, PsyD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar
Many women and couples today delay pregnancy well into their 30s and 40s. Whether by choice or circumstance, a woman’s chance of conceiving a healthy baby becomes slimmer after age 35 as her supply of healthy eggs decreases significantly.
Saturday, December 07, 2019 1:00 pm
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar

Do you worry that you may have or could acquire a serious medical illness? Do you constantly research disease symptoms on line? Do illnesses like cancer, heart attack, and multiple sclerosis scare you?

Wednesday, December 04, 2019 2:03 pm
Jenny Yip, PsyD, ABPP and

What is the longest length of time you’ve been without a digital device? In our evermore digitized world, being compulsively “connected” 24/7 has become the norm.

Friday, October 18, 2019 8:08 am
Suma Chand, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Coping with neurological illnesses can be very distressing. Can cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) be helpful for the anxiety and depression that often accompanies these illnesses? Dr. Suma Chand, an expert in this area, provides us with answers.

Monday, September 23, 2019 9:09 am
Lizabeth Roemer, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar describes the nature of anxiety and various ways in which anxiety can be maintained.    Dr. Roemer provides an overview of mindfulness, the various ways it can be practiced, and how mindfulness can be of benefit to those with anxiety.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019 9:09 am
Eda Gorbis, PhD, LMFT and

This webinar includes an overview description of the characteristics of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), the challenges therapists face when diagnosing the disorder (including a contrast/comparison with OCD – a co-morbid disorder), and information about the most effective treatment options.  Dr.

Monday, July 22, 2019 12:00 am
Maren Nyer, PhD and

You may have heard good things about yoga and how it can help anxiety and depression, but what does the research show? Dr.

Friday, July 12, 2019 3:00 pm
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar

Do you have a fear of driving? Are you afraid of having a panic attack behind the wheel? Do you worry about losing control and causing an accident? The fear of driving can cripple your life, but there is a solution.

Thursday, June 20, 2019 12:00 am
Jon Hershfield, MFT and

If you're afraid of germs, you might struggle to resist excessively washing your hands, but what if the contaminant you fear is unwanted violent thoughts? What if being "dirty" for you meant believing you might want to or choose to or impulsively hurt someone or hurt yourself?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 12:00 am
Rachel Busman, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

Separation anxiety for toddlers and young children is normal. However, when the anxiety interferes with normal activities and normal development, it can be a problem.

Monday, March 04, 2019 12:00 am
Michelle Witkin, Ph.D and

When your brother or sister has OCD, it can affect everyone in the family - even you! 

What can help? Learning about…

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:00 am
Deborah Ledley, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Many children and teens live in a world that is fast-paced and highly demanding in many spheres: school, social life, and family life. Sometimes the pressure comes from these outside forces, and other times the pressure comes from within. 

Friday, December 14, 2018 12:00 am
Jenni Schaefer and
Recorded Webinar

“Does it ever get better?” those in eating disorder recovery often ask. Healing from an eating disorder can be such a long journey—with so many bumps along the way—that many feel hopeless and believe they might never recover.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018 12:00 am
Rachel Busman, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar focuses on Selective Mutism, which is an anxiety disorder that renders a child, who might be otherwise chatty at home, unable to speak fully in places like school, with friends or in the community.

Thursday, November 08, 2018 12:00 am
Suma Chand, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar describes some of the factors that have been identified as operating to increase the risk of suicidal behaviors. The important protective factors that function to prevent suicide are detailed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:00 am
Melissa G. Hunt, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

There is a lot of overlap between IBS and anxiety disorders. IBS causes anxiety. Also, people with anxiety disorders have a much higher than average occurrence of IBS.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 12:00 pm
Rachel Busman, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar focuses on anxiety disorders in children and adolescents and ways that caregivers can help. In addition to describing what the symptoms are, specific ways that adults can help are highlighted.

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Bryan Balvaneda and
Recorded Webinar

Preocupaciones: una introducción al concepto de preocupaciones para entender cuándo estas se convierten en un problema, con una breve introducción a tratamientos para las preocupaciones por Bryan Balvaneda

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Natalie Arbid and

Este video es una breve instrucción de lo que es un ataque de pánico, los síntomas y los recursos para obtener ayuda por miembro de ADAA Natalie Arbid.

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Jessica Flores and

Trastorno de Estrés Post-Traumático: un video breve acerca de las consecuencias psicológicas del trauma por Jessica Flores.

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Karen Martinez, MD, MSC and
Recorded Webinar

Ataque de nervios: una breve explicación sobre lo que es ataque de nervios y cómo se relaciona a otras condiciones de salud mental por Karen G. Martínez

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Bryan Balvaneda and
Recorded Webinar

Fobias: una discusión acerca de lo que son las fobias y cómo se pueden tratar por Bryan Balvaneda.

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Karen Martinez, MD, MSC and
Recorded Webinar

Depresión y ansiedad en niños: una discusión acerca de por qué es importante saber que la depresión y la ansiedad también puede ocurrir en niños, niñas y adolescentes por Karen G. Martinez 

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Natalie Arbid and

Ansiedad: una breve introducción a la ansiedad, los síntomas, las opciones de tratamiento y unos recursos por Natalie Arbid.

Friday, September 28, 2018 12:00 am
Jessica Flores and

Depresión: una discusión de cuáles son los síntomas de la depresión clínica y cuando se debe buscar ayuda por Jessica Flores.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018 12:00 pm
Karen G. Martínez, MD, MSc and
Jessica Graham-LoPresti, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar focuses on the negative impact of racism on mental health symptoms for people of color.  In addition, we will provide some coping resources to deal with the stress, anxiety, and overall emotional toll of racism.

Monday, August 06, 2018 12:00 pm
Daniel Singley, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

While most mental health clinicians and organizations focus on the mother-child relationship, a wealth of research now shows that fathers can strongly impact – and be impacted by – their partners’ and babies’ well-being throughout the perinatal period.

Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:00 am
Diana Cusumano, LMHC, NCC and
Erica Riba, LCSW and
Recorded Webinar

The Jed Foundation's JED Campus advisors, Erica Riba, LCSW and Diana Cusumano, LHMC, NCC talk about depression in college students today and how the JED Campus program and other outside resources can help those who are struggling and learn skills to reach out to others.

Monday, May 21, 2018 12:00 am
Garlene Guadron, LPC and
Recorded Webinar


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 12:00 pm
Sally Winston, PsyD and
Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP and
Monday, March 12, 2018 12:00 pm
Ashley D. Kendall, PhD and
Live Webinar

Over the past few years, there has been increased awareness and understanding of OCD within the general public.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 9:09 am
Dr. David Cueva and
Recorded Webinar

El conocimiento es poder. El temor/estigma en la búsqueda de tratamiento para nuestra salud mental es real y afecta a mucha gente. Este seminario cubre qué puede esperar cuando uno busca tratamiento de salud mental.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:09 am
Valerie Hoover, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

This webinar provides an overview of heart disease and discusses the latest research findings on the links between depression and heart disease.  The webinar also discusses what individuals can do now to reduce their overall cardiac risk.

Sunday, September 24, 2017 9:00 am
Recorded Webinar

Ken Goodman, LCSW, explains the pervasive nature of Emetophobia – the fear of vomiting – the vicious cycle which keeps sufferers trapped, and the strategy for conquering this all-consuming fear. Please click here to forward any questions for Mr. Goodman.

Monday, August 28, 2017 9:09 am
Christiane Blanco-Oilar, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Blanco-Oilar explains the definition of psychological trauma, reviews pointers to recognize traumatic reactions, and addresses some of the most frequently asked questions related to trauma recovery. Learn about ways to engage in trauma therapy or talk to a loved one about therapy. 

Monday, August 21, 2017 9:09 am
Suzanne Mouton-Odum, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Suzanne Mouton-Odum provides an overview about Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB). BFRB's (hair pulling and skin picking disorders) are commonly misunderstood and, until recent years, little has been known about effective treatments.

Friday, June 09, 2017 9:09 am
Larry Cohen, LICSW and
Recorded Webinar

Introduction to four CBT strategies to help you overcome social anxiety: mindful focus; cognitive restructuring; assertiveness; and experiments.

Larry Cohen has also provided the following downloadable materials that are referenced in the webinar.

Monday, April 24, 2017 9:09 am
Andrew Rosen, PhD, ABPP, FAACP and

Some of the topics covered: What are the roles of medication and therapy? How can my psychiatrist (or primary care doctor) and my therapist work together as a team? How soon can I expect to see results from medication? How soon can I expect to see results from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

Saturday, April 01, 2017 9:09 am
Stephen Schueller, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Stephen Schueller provides an overview of the burgeoning field of mobile mental health. He discusses how to find, evaluate, and make best use of apps available on public marketplaces.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 9:09 am
Bruce Hubbard, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Bruce Hubbard provides resources for tinnitus distress which affects about 16 million people in the United States.

Thursday, March 09, 2017 9:09 am
Joseph Brand, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Joseph Brand provides an overview of common sleep problems experienced by kids and teens. He covers insomnia, separation anxiety, circadian rhythm problems, and other issues.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 9:09 am
Joseph Brand, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Joseph Brand provides an overview of common sleep problems experienced by kids and teens.   He covers insomnia, separation anxiety, circadian rhythm problems, and other issues.

Monday, January 16, 2017 9:09 am
Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Jill Harkavy-Friedman discusses the topic of suicide; risk factors and contributors to suicide, along with information about suicide prevention and how an individual might recognize warning signs and help someone who is thinking about suicide.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016 9:09 am
Elspeth Bell, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Elspeth Bell explores adaptations of traditional CBT techniques specifically focused for working with clients with OCD.

Friday, December 02, 2016 9:09 am
Recorded Webinar

Anxiety and parenting expert, Dr. Debra Kissen, provides practical tips on how to find a balance between providing too much and too little information about complex national and global affairs and how to have these discussions in an age appropriate manner.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016 12:00 am
Dr. Hammett and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Hammett addresses anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, and children.

Sunday, September 04, 2016 12:12 pm
Alec L. Miller, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

ADAA member Alec Miller discusses how to help depressed and suicidal teenagers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:09 am
Anne Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Anne Marie Albano addresses the treatment needs specific to high school and college students with anxiety disorders and depression.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 9:09 am
Virginia Runko, PhD, CBSM and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Virginia Runko, a licensed psychologist and certified behavioral sleep medicine specialist, describes how insomnia is related to anxiety and depressive disorders, and how CBT-I (cognitive-behavior therapy for insomnia) is an effective treatment.

Friday, July 08, 2016 9:09 am
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Debra Kissen explains fear and anxiety related to mass shootings and other forms of terrorism, and she describes how cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016 12:00 am
Melanie VanDyke, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Melanie VanDyke, PhD, Clark Kebodeaux, PharmD, and Hedva Barenholtz, PharmD, explain how pharmacists can be a resource for people with anxiety and depression.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:09 am
Sandra Mendlowitz, PhD, CPsych and
Recorded Webinar

Sandra Mendlowitz, PhD, CPsych, addresses what to do if your child won't talk, and she gives advice on how kids can overcome selective mutism.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016 9:09 am
Dennis Greenberger, Ph.D. and

Dr. Dennis Greenberger provides self-help strategies that can help combat anxiety and depression.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:09 am
Dave Carbonell, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. David Carbonell helps you discover the "trick" behind chronic worry and illustrates why your efforts to stop worrying often lead to more persistent worry.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 9:09 am
Eli Lebowitz, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Clinical psychologist Dr. Eli Lebowitz addresses how to recognize bullying and how it relates to anxiety and depression.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:09 am
Catherine Pittman, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Catherine Pittman describes the dangers of long-term use of benzodiazepines, as well as better alternatives to consider.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015 9:09 am
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Jenny Yip explains what happens to you during a panic attack and offers tips to help you cope.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:09 am
Karen G. Martínez, MD, MSc and
Recorded Webinar

Hay muchas situaciones que nos pueden hacer sentir nerviosos. Los nervios son una respuesta normal del cuerpo pero pueden también pueden indicar que hay un problema que debe ser atendido por un profesional.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:09 am
Kathariya Mokrue, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Kathariya Mokrue provides tips for family and loved ones for managing when a family member has suicidal thoughts, makes a suicide attempt, or dies by suicide.

Monday, August 10, 2015 9:09 am
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Eli Lebowitz addresses how to help kids with anxiety disorders when they don't want your help.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015 9:09 am
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Beth Salcedo answers questions about starting, stopping, and switching medications for depression, as well as managing side effects and other concerns.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015 9:09 am
Michael Otto, PhD and

Dr. Michael Otto discusses how to start and maintain an exercise program to improve your mood, anxiety, and depression.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015 12:00 am
Dr. Debra Hope and

Dr. Debra Hope provides ways to thrive through the challenges of having anxiety and depression in the LGBTQ community.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:09 am
Amy West, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Amy West, PhD, provides information about diagnosing pediatric bipolar disorder, how to recognize mood symptoms in your children, and an overview of important psychosocial interventions.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:09 am
Kiara Timpano, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Kiara Timpano, PhD, addresses hoarding disorder and ways to treat it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:09 am
Recorded Webinar

Katherine Shear, MD, explains complicated grief, how it differs from bereavement, and how you can find treatment and relief.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:09 am
Amir Levine, MD and
Recorded Webinar

Amir Levine, MD addresses marijuana and its impact on adolescent psychopathology and its use for medicinal purposes.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014 9:09 am
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Lynne Siqueland discusses how to help your child cope with anxiety and get through typical difficult times (school mornings, stomachaches, homework, and bedtime) and how parents can take care of themselves so they can take care of their children.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:09 am
Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD and
Recorded Webinar
Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody focuses on new treatment options for anxiety and depression in perinatal women.
(Note: Due to technical difficulties, the recording is of the final half-hour only.)
Friday, September 19, 2014 12:00 am
Sally Winston, PsyD and

Dr. Sally Winston details the biggest obstacles to your overcoming anxiety disorders.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014 9:09 am
Anne Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Anne Marie Albano addresses what you need to know about your child's refusal to go to school and how to find the appropriate effective help.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014 9:09 am
Katharine Phillips, MD and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Katharine Phillips addresses what you need to know about the latest changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), with a focus on anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014 9:09 am
Scott Stossel and
Recorded Webinar

Mr. Stossel, author of My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind, talks about his own anxiety and treatments with Dr. Jenny Yip.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 9:09 am
Daniel Pine, MD and
Recorded Webinar

Daniel Pine, MD, who specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry, discusses medication and psychosocial treatments for kids and teens who are suffering from anxiety and depression.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:09 am
Reid Wilson, Ph.D. and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Reid Wilson speaks specifically and directly about a counterintuitive, paradoxical self-help strategy to respond to obsessions and compulsions moment-by-moment. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2014 9:09 am
Jenny Yip, PsyD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Jenny Yip addresses the academic challenges a child with anxiety commonly faces, and the key aspects of obtaining school accommodations for a child can gain sufficient tools in treatment to manage anxiety successfully.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:09 am
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Karen L. Cassiday presentes stress-reducing techniques that are especially useful during the hectic holiday season.


Wednesday, October 09, 2013 9:09 am
Anne Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Anne Marie Albano discusses anxiety and mood disorders in adolescents and effective treatments.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 9:09 am
Daniel Lewin, PhD, D.ABSM and
Recorded Webinar

Dr. Lewin addresses sleep disorders medicine, pediatric sleep disorders, and the role of sleep in normal development.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013 12:00 am
Patrick McGrath, PhD and

Patrick McGrath, PhD, focuses on seven simple things that you can start to do differently today to help you overcome basic feelings of worry, stress, and anxiety. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 9:09 am
Terence M. Keane, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Terence M.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013 9:09 am
C. Alec Pollard, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

C. Alec Pollard, PhD, describes how family and friends can help: strategies that work, and strategies that do not work.

Listen to Dr. Pollard's related podcast "Helping the Families of Those Who Refuse Treatment"

Wednesday, May 01, 2013 9:09 am
Andrea Umbach, PsyD and
Recorded Webinar

Andrea Umbach, PsyD, discusses diagnostic symptoms of anxiety and depression and how these symptoms might manifest themselves in children. She addresses practical strategies for early intervention to help parents support their children through difficult times.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:09 am
Sally Winston, PsyD and

Sally Winston, PsyD, discusses some commonly held beliefs about anxiety disorders that are mostly or partially false, including why reducing stress, thinking positive thoughts, gaining insight about its origins, and lots of  reassurance often do not really help much in reducing significant sympto

Wednesday, March 06, 2013 9:09 am
John Walker, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

John Walker, PhD, presents approaches to strengthen your ability to manage stress and develop effective strategies will help you to stay healthy and happy.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013 9:09 am

Beth Salcedo, MD, addresses reasons to consider medications for anxiety disorders; types and choices; the indications, risks, side effects, and benefits; lengths of treatment and tapering and discontinuing.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 9:09 am
Catherine Pittman, PhD and
Recorded Webinar

Catherine Pittman, PhD, a clinical psychologist, explains the processes in the brain that influence anxiety and what techniques actually allow us to change our anxious brains.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 9:09 am
Dennis Greenberger, Ph.D. and
Recorded Webinar

Dennis Greenberger, PhD, addresses the differences and similarities between symptoms of anxiety and depression, how the disorders are treated with CBT, and what patients can expect in treatment.
