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ADAA Conference

Learn something new, network, and be surprised...

The ADAA conference will bring together clinicians and researchers from across the US and around the world who want to improve treatments and find cures for anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders. We're looking forward to meeting face-to-face again!

Conference Submissions, Awards, & Registration   


Key Dates:

08/15/2022 Conference Submissions Portal Open for All Submission Types (including awards submissions)
08/15/2022 Conference Registration Open - Register Early for the Best Rates
10/11/2022 Conference Submissions Portal Closes for Roundtable, Symposia, and Workshop Submissions
11/01/2022 Conference Submissions Portal Closes for Awards (CDLP & Klein) Submissions
12/01/2022 Conference Submissions Portal Closes for Poster Submissions and Therapeutic Pipeline reports


Renaissance Washington, Downtown DC - 999 Ninth Street NW, Washington. DC 20001 - Hotel Reservation will open in late summer 2022.


Sign up for conference updates   Sponsorship Opportunities


View/Download ADAA's Media Kit for Year-round Advertising and Partnership Opportunities


Have questions? Please email: [email protected].

Hotel information

The Renaissance Washington, Downtown DC serves as the official ADAA 2023 Annual Conference hotel.

There is a discounted ADAA room rate for conference attendees of $229.00++ per night, plus applicable taxes.  Please reserve your hotel accommodations early to receive the special ADAA rate.

This rate is available through March 20, 2023, or until the room block is full. 

Collaborating with ADAA at our annual conference gives your organization an opportunity to reach ADAA’s vast network of psychiatrists, social workers, psychologists, counselors, researchers, and therapists before, during and after the conference. Invest in improving mental health while growing your customer relationships.

Become an ADAA sponsor or exhibitor today!

Conference Committee

Meet the ADAA 2023 Conference Co-Chairs

Testimonial Image
Jonathan Alpert, MD, PhD
Testimonial Image
Simon Rego, PsyD, ABPP, ACT

Award Programs

ADAA Conference Awards Program (CDLP & Klein Early Career Investigator Award)

Applications for ADAA Conference Awards Programs open August 15.

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