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Matt Mullenweg
I can think. I can wait. I can fast.
The Futurema.ttJoined November 2006

Matt Mullenweg’s Tweets

It me.
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"Running a successful open source project is just Good Will Hunting in reverse, where you start out as a respected genius and end up being a janitor who gets into fights." Quote attributed to @cra, and I don't think I've ever seen anything more true posted.
"Running a successful open source project is just Good Will Hunting in reverse, where you start out as a respected genius and end up being a janitor who gets into fights." Quote attributed to , and I don't think I've ever seen anything more true posted.
I'm also scared sharing something like this because future app updates could be held up or blocked, or just go in a lower priority queue. The app review process is usually good but occasionally capricious in a way that engenders fear.
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FWIW, 's boosted post feature on (called Blaze), which is in spirit like Facebook's, was rejected until we implemented it as IAP and gave the 30% cut.
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SCOOP: In the years before iOS 14.5, Apple and Facebook held several meetings discussing possible arrangements that would have earned the iPhone maker a slice of the social media company’s revenue, including an ad-free, subscription version of Facebook
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My favorite designer, he will be missed dearly. His clothes are what people ask the most what I’m wearing and where they can get it.
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Issey Miyake, the Japanese designer whose name became a global byword for cutting-edge fashion in the 1980s, died on Aug. 5. He was 84. Best known for his origami-like designs, he also produced Steve Jobs’s signature black turtleneck.
An idea for 's DALL-E (which is amazing): Instead of the same 5 color squares at the bottom right of each image, use colors that are a code that can be used to lookup the prompt used to generate that image.
You want to know something about how bullshit insane our brains are? OK, so there's a physical problem with our eyes: We move them in short fast bursts called "saccades", right? very quick, synchronized movements. The only problem is: they go all blurry and useless during this
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“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” ~Lao Tzu, "Tao Te Ching"
Check out the Block Museum if you are feeling creatively blocked.
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Did you know you could create art pieces with #WordPress and contribute to Museum of Block Art? I played a bit and created few examples using core blocks and images ??👇 #Gutenberg #Art
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You listen to on a podcast and you get used to him answering the same questions over and over (which is ok, answers can vary) but some relatively less common topics covered here I think worth adding to a queue.
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My friend @photomatt is one of the most thoughtful business leaders I know, and an amazing and wonderful person. This interview is absolutely worth your time.…
My friend is one of the most thoughtful business leaders I know, and an amazing and wonderful person. This interview is absolutely worth your time.
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Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. We need to normalize vulnerability & @photomatt is a generational defining leader showing the best leaders now and future embrace it. This is one of the most special we’ve done. 🔥
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is one of the best humans I’ve had the opportunity to get to know. Give it a listen.
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Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. We need to normalize vulnerability & @photomatt is a generational defining leader showing the best leaders now and future embrace it. This is one of the most special we’ve done. 🔥
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From a friend: Berkeley, California's "Nuclear Free Zone" signs are now covered in pronuclear stickers. Only thing old Berkeley environmentalists hate more than housing and bike lanes is nuclear energy. The city can't or won't replace the signs. I didn't do this but wish I had.
A street sign at the edge of the City of Berkeley, California, that says "Nuclear Free Zone." The sign has been heavily defaced including several pronuclear stickers with slogans such as "Go Green, Go Nuclear" and "Save a tree, split an atom" and "Nuclear energy is clean energy."
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It's here–the deepest, sharpest infrared view of the universe to date: Webb's First Deep Field. Previewed by @POTUS on July 11, it shows galaxies once invisible to us. The full set of @NASAWebb's first full-color images & data will be revealed July 12:
The background of space is black. Thousands of galaxies appear all across the view. Their shapes and colors vary. Some are various shades of orange, others are white. Most stars appear blue, and are sometimes as large as more distant galaxies that appear next to them. A very bright star is just above and left of center. It has eight bright blue, long diffraction spikes. Between 4 o’clock and 6 o’clock in its spikes are several very bright galaxies. A group of three are in the middle, and two are closer to 4 o’clock. These galaxies are part of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, and they are warping the appearances of galaxies seen around them. Long orange arcs appear at left and right toward the center.
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Details matter. Details matter! Take some time today to look around your spheres of influence — your team, your time, your work, your desk — and do something to raise the quality bar. Hold yourself accountable to make it a daily habit. The impact will ripple and compound.
San Francisco genuinely is really foggy. It’s not a joke. The fog rolls in from the Pacific and floats up against the beach, stacking up above Twin Peaks until it drops like an ephemeral avalanche onto the city below. And this captures it perfectly. 📷 Lorenzo Montezemolo