The baby blues

Woman outside looking sad / dmbaker

What are the baby blues?

Soon after giving birth, you may feel weepy and irritable. This is called the baby blues (APNI 2007). It may be the last thing you expected to feel, after the joy and elation you may have felt (or expected) having your baby. But the baby blues are so common that they are considered normal (MIND 2016). An estimated 60-80% of new mothers experience them (Beck, 2003).

What causes the baby blues?

The baby blues are thought to be linked to hormonal changes you experience two to four days after having your baby. Your body has some major adjustments to make. Your placenta had been producing progesterone and progesterone blocks the production of prolactin (the milk producing hormone). When your placenta is delivered, your progesterone levels take a nose dive allowing prolactin to surge. This huge hormonal shift, combined with the diminishing adrenalin from the birth and sleep deprivation generally causes baby blues.

It is usually temporary as the hormones adjust fairly quickly. It tends to correspond with the milk coming in. Your may find your appetite changes. But it's not just physical changes that are happening to you. Your emotions are likely to be put through the wringer, too. The new sense of responsibility that comes with having a baby can be overwhelming.

The reality of what parenthood involves may not hit you until you have left hospital and are spending your first few days at home. Even if you feel that you love being a mom from the get-go (and it's ok not to feel that way, either!), your new role could make you feel trapped or anxious.

You may be uncertain about how to care for your newborn baby and feel a huge anticlimax after the birth. You are likely to be exhausted but you may not be able to get a good night's sleep.

How do the baby blues last?

You may feel that being a mom will always be like this (MIND 2008). But don't worry, things will likely get better, and quite quickly, too. Although longer-lasting difficult feelings should be investigated, the baby blues themselves are not an illness, and usually last for just a few days. You'll probably feel your worst on the fourth or fifth day after your baby is born (BMJ 2009).

You can usually shake off the baby blues without the need for any medical treatment. With the right amount of rest and reassurance from your family and friends you will soon start to feel better (APNI 2007).

If you still feel depressed a month or so after having your baby, you could have postpartum depression (PPD) (MIND 2016). In fact, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC, n.d.) suggests that baby blues that don't go away after two weeks be considered a sign of possible PPD. Read our article on how to recognize the signs of PPD for more information.

If you are concerned that you have PPD, speak to your midwife or doctor who can offer you advice, support and treatment.

How can partners, family and friends help?

If you are a partner, relative or friend of a mom with the baby blues, the best thing you can do is to reassure her that it's not unusual to feel this way. She may be exhausted and unsure of herself. These things may help:
  • help her to organize her time and encourage her to work out what needs doing now and what can wait
  • make dinner for her or cook some meals and bring them over
  • encourage her to rest as much as possible
  • tell her what a great mom she is
  • keep visitors to a minimum
  • if she wants to cry, let her
  • listen to her
Above all, let her know you are there for her, no matter what. Give her permission to take care of herself, too (MIND 2016).


This article was written using the following sources:

APNI. 2007. Post natal depression. The Association of Post Natal Illness. [accessed August 24, 2016]

Beck CT. Postpartum depression predictors inventory-revised. Adv Neonatal Care. 2003;3:47–8.
BMJ. 2009. Postnatal depression. BMJ Best Treatments.

CMHA. nd. Postpartium Depression. Canadian Mental Health Association. [Accessed August 24, 2016].

MIND. 2016. Postnatal depression and perinatal mental health. National Association for Mental Health. [accessed August 24, 2016]

SOGC. n.d. Postpartum depression. Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. [Accessed August 24th, 2016].

Katie MacGuire
Katie MacGuire is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur. She created an extensive library of evidence-based maternal health articles for BabyCenter Canada. In 2014 she launched Vubble, a media technology company that improves access to quality video information online.

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